avb endpoint customisation

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avb endpoint customisation

Post by grumpysteve »

I would like to customise the avb endpoint reference design (6.1.1) to support a different number of channels.  Ideally, I'd like to achieve a 16-talker, 2 listener configuration (that is, 16 analogue input channels and 2 analogue outputs) using the XR-AVB_LC_BRD.  It's fairly clear at the top level how to make the necessary configuration changes and I end up with something that builds.  However, it doesn't work properly.  I suspect (but have not yet proven) that the problem is that the i2s module isn't able to keep up with the increased data rate.  The solution is probably going to involve splitting that task across two cores, with concomitant changes to the buffering modules that feed into and out of it.  Has anyone attempted anything similar?  Any advice gratefully received.
