Why is xSCOPE mixed up with different version of tools?

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Why is xSCOPE mixed up with different version of tools?

Post by paolorc »

Hi, I have this problem:

i wrote some code in Xtimecomposer and used the xscope. All worked fine.

Now i have to use XDE Version: 11.11.1 (build 4707)
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Exactly the same code but when the sw woks in the same way but the generated xscope file is wrong.

1) all the start -  end  attributes are equal to zero,

2)  the records are all mixed up.

Please someone can providce some suggestions?




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Post by sethu_jangala »

There are lot of changes that are made to xTIMEcomposer compared to XDE 11.11.1 interms of xSCOPE. This might be your issue. I'm afraid the only way is to use the latest version of xTIMEcomposer to use all the functionality of xSCOPE.