problem with UART

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problem with UART

Post by daleonpz »

I've made a UART code, but i dont know why it isnt working... I want to send a motor command by RS232, the motor command is supposed to be !M nn mm, where nn is the power level of the motor 1 and mm is the power level of the second one. The motor controller config is: 115200,8,n,1

here's my code

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#define BIT_RATE 115200
#define BIT_TIME 100000000 / BIT_RATE

out port TX1 = XS1_PORT_1A;
in port  RX1 = XS1_PORT_1B;

unsigned char M[]="!M ";

void txByte(out port TXD, unsigned char c)
   unsigned time, data;

   data = c;

   // get current time from port with force out.
   TXD <: 1 @ time;

   // Start bit.
   TXD <: 0;

   // Data bits.
   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 1)
      time += BIT_TIME;
      TXD @ time <: >> data;

   // one stop bit
   time += BIT_TIME;
   TXD @ time <: 1;

void Mcmd(out port TXD, char Mcmd1[], char Mcmd2[])
	for(int i=0;M[i]!=0;i++)
	for(int i=0;Mcmd1[i]!=0;i++)
	for(int i=0;Mcmd2[i]!=0;i++)

int main(void)
	int out1=400;
	int out2=-950;
	char outS1[33];
	char outS2[33];
	return 0;

any help will be appreciated.

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Post by Jerry »

Please be a little more specific than "it isn't working".

Are you seeing any activity on the Tx port (XS1_PORT_1A)?