Using multiple module_spi_master

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Using multiple module_spi_master

Post by komby »

I am trying to setup my startkit with multiple spi_masters  and a spi_slave.


My thoughts are that I will be using the spi_slave in a dedicated thread to listen to the Rasberry Pi for incoming data (there will be a LOT of data coming in).


The spi_master(s)  will be connected each to a nRF24L01+ transceiver,   Hopefully connecting 3 or 4 of them.  I am still trying to figure out the difference of the pin/port mappings as XC/XCORE/XMOS is all new to me.   In Arduino I would have used 5 pins to control one transceiver,  it seems that many of the GPIO pins on the J7 header are not 1bit so I am a little unsure about how to use the 4 bit ones as individual output pins, or if i can, more to read there I think.

So,  that said,  I had it all working on one nrf transciever with one Master spi module.   Last night I tried refactoring to add a second spi master / nrf combo and run both masters in a par statement.

The compiler didnt like that as the SPI master code has the unsigned sclk_val; stored as a shared var.  I had the masters both defined with different structs / pins but it died here:

unsigned sclk_val;
void spi_master_init(spi_master_interface &spi_if, int spi_clock_div)
    // configure ports and clock blocks
    configure_clock_rate(spi_if.blk1, 100, spi_clock_div);
    configure_out_port(spi_if.sclk, spi_if.blk1, 0);
    sclk_val = 0x55;   //Compiler doesnt like this line much
Anyone tried this yet?  Am i just missing something?  It seemed to me that the sclk_val should be refactored into the spi_master_interface type?
Also,  if I am using the master lib  it uses two clkblks  does that limit me to at most 2 master spi?  since there are only XS1_CLKBLK_1-5?;