Actually I finally found the PWM tutorial under Audio>DSP ?Click on the Tutorial Example LED PWM Driver xSOFTip component in the Misc category.
The Developer Column shows information on the component including a description of what it does, its features and which xKIT Development Kits are suitable for use with this xSOFTip.
With the PWM tutorial it asks you to add a new task to a second core, I fell straight into the trap of using tile[0] rather than tile [1] to add the core task, maybe emphasising the use of logical core would have helped here but clearly the exercise itself is in this case core agnostic! Clearly a newbie might not have fallen for the double think and done exactly what was asked without question, but this just shows the conditioning I have already acquired for what 'Core' means when engaging with XS1 development and as such should serve as a warning for existing developers. What would have removed any ambiguity was a complete code listing rather than just showing the bits one should add in the tutorial and generally I think this is a good idea for tutorials anyhow.
This didn't happen for me, double clicking did not highlight the output instruction in the editor window, it didn't seem to influence the editing frame at all.Double-click on a transition in the Waves window when the cursor changes to a pointing finger.
The output statement that caused the transition is highlighted in the Editor window, allowing you to link the transition to the source code.
Moving from the simulator and onto running this in hardware with an actual SliceKit and the GPIO module I found:
If you go onto add the I2C ADC temp sensor part of the slicekit PWM tutorial, it does read and report back temperature. However this temp value is never used to control the led dimming as it seems to be indicated aim of the exercise? I kept wondering if I had managed to skip part of it accidentally, but couldn't find any skipped sections. If the idea here is that the user you go onto perform this as an exercise themselves should it not be hinted at in the tutorial?Make a temperature controlled LED dimmer
General issues I had (maybe related to Eclipse running in Ubuntu) :
Couldn't seem to use horizontal scrolling in project pain
Artefacts appearing when scrolling the xSoftip frame
Over all the intro tutorials I tried so far are a great start for someone coming to the Xmos platform, although personally I find eclipse a little ugly and cumbersome to use, The slicekit combined with softip and the new tools are simple enough to get up an running quickly.
Thumbs Up!!