Manufacturing Sequence

Technical questions regarding the XTC tools and programming with XMOS.
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Manufacturing Sequence

Post by AlexAdvice »

Hello friends,
finally, my 1st XMOS device is ready for production!
However, before I'll try to corrupt some chip's OTP I wish to be sure that I'm not wrong.
My project based on Auidio Reference Design, with 6 core L1 device and AT45DF041A EEPROM.
Version was changed from 6.60 to 1.11

1) Compiling
I compile the project and have the files: myproj.xn and myproj_1.xe
Then I change #define BCD_DEVICE_N in devicedefines.h from 1 to 2 (so, version=1.12), and compile to myproj_2.xe

2) Key generation:
xburn --genkey mykey.txt

2) Making images:
a) Simple:
xflash myproj_1.xe -o myproj-manuf-image.bin --key mykey.txt
xflash --factory-version 13 --upgrade 1.12 myproj_2.xe myproj-update.bin --key mykey.txt

got 2 images - factory and upgrade.
The factory image size is 8kbytes more then the upgrade image size (8k - bootloder?)

c) with loader:
xcc loader.xc -o loader.o
xflash myproj_1.xe --loaded loader.o --upgrade 2 myproj_2.xe --key mykey.txt -o myprog-image.bin

3) Burning:
xflash --target-file myproj.xn --write-all myproj-manuf-image.bin
4) Security:
xburn --target-file myproj.xn --lock mykey.txt --enable-jtag --disable-master-lock

5) Check and the final security:
Check that device is working, then:
xburn --target-file myproj.xn --disable-jtag --enable-master-lock
1. What is a "loader.xc" in the item 2b? Do I need it? If yes, where I can get it?

2. If the sequence above and commands are correct?

3. I make items 1, 2a, 3 and 4.
Device starts, I see verson 1.11 in the device's properties.
Then I used DFU and burn the upgrade image. Driver reports "OK", I restart the device, and see 1.12 in the propertis - so firmware was upgraded.

What will happen, whent the eeprom will full? It will overlap and put the new FW at the beginning, after the factory FW?

Thank you.