Improved error reporting for runtime exceptions within application code

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Improved error reporting for runtime exceptions within application code

Post by aclassifier »

The heading is a point in the release note for Community_14.2.4 (build: 15898) ( ... 4.2.4).txt)

Also, this is a follow-up after An error pin? ( (started by me).

The point in the release note is headed User exception handling.

Is this something that the compiler supplies me with, like overflows, aliasing etc. if the compiler can't take it at compile time and then instead introduces run-time error reporting? I think the occam compiler did this some times, like for some parallel usage checks.

Or is it a tool chest for me that I can use when I do my own exception handler? If so, where's the description?

(Disclaimer: this may be obvious for an English native speaker. But it's not for me)
Øyvind Teig
Trondheim (Norway)