Code: Select all
#include <platform.h> // core
#include <stdio.h>
#include <timer.h> // delay_milliseconds(200), XS1_TIMER_HZ etc
#define debug_print(fmt, ...) do { if(DEBUG_PRINT_TEST) printf(fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
typedef signed int time32_t;
#define PLACED_0
#define PLACED_1
#define INFO "PLACED"
#define COMBINABLE [[combinable]]
#define PLACED_0 on tile[0].core[0]:
#define PLACED_1 on tile[0].core[1]:
#define COMBINABLE [[combinable]]
#define PLACED_0 on tile[0].core[0]:
#define PLACED_1 on tile[0].core[0]:
COMBINABLE // or not!
void test_task (const unsigned task_id, const unsigned initial_delay_ticks) {
timer tmr;
time32_t time;
debug_print ("%s from #%u\n", INFO, task_id);
tmr :> time; // Showing something else than delay_milliseconds(ms) etc:
select {case tmr when timerafter (time + initial_delay_ticks) :> void: break;}
// ONLY IN BOTTOM LOG: tmr :> time; // Reset time is CRUCIAL!
while (1) {
select {
case tmr when timerafter (time) :> time32_t now: {
debug_print ("After %08X :> now %08X, #%u lost %d ticks\n", time, now, task_id, now-time);
time += ONE_SECOND_TICKS; // FUTURE TIMEOUT, same value as "time" above
} break;
int main() {
par {
PLACED_0 /* or not! */ test_task (0, 0); // No initial delay
PLACED_1 /* or not! */ test_task (1, ONE_SECOND_TICKS/2);
return 0;
Code: Select all
UNPLACED from #1
UNPLACED from #0
After 02491CC5 :> now 02491CD9, #0 lost 20 ticks
After 02491687 :> now 05440715, #1 lost 50000014 ticks
After 083EF787 :> now 083EF789, #1 lost 2 ticks
After 083EFDC5 :> now 083EFDC7, #0 lost 2 ticks
After 0E34D887 :> now 0E34D889, #1 lost 2 ticks
After 0E34DEC5 :> now 0E34DEC7, #0 lost 2 ticks
PLACED from #1
PLACED from #0
After 02472CC3 :> now 02472CD6, #0 lost 19 ticks
After 024726B0 :> now 0542173E, #1 lost 50000014 ticks
After 083D07B0 :> now 083D07B2, #1 lost 2 ticks
After 083D0DC3 :> now 083D0DC5, #0 lost 2 ticks
After 0E32E8B0 :> now 0E32E8B2, #1 lost 2 ticks
After 0E32EEC3 :> now 0E32EEC5, #0 lost 2 ticks
After 1428C9B0 :> now 1428C9B2, #1 lost 2 ticks
Code: Select all
After 02405B6B :> now 053B539D, #0 lost 50001970 ticks
After 024062CA :> now 053B666A, #1 lost 50004896 ticks
After 08363C6B :> now 08363C75, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 083643CA :> now 08364BF3, #1 lost 2089 ticks
After 0E2C1D6B :> now 0E2C1D75, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 0E2C24CA :> now 0E2C2CF3, #1 lost 2089 ticks
After 1421FE6B :> now 1421FE75, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 142205CA :> now 14220D7E, #1 lost 1972 ticks
After 1A17DF6B :> now 1A17DF75, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 1A17E6CA :> now 1A17EE7E, #1 lost 1972 ticks
After 200DC06B :> now 200DC075, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 200DC7CA :> now 200DCF7E, #1 lost 1972 ticks
Code: Select all
After FC97456B :> now FC974575, #0 lost 10 ticks
After FC974CCA :> now FC97547E, #1 lost 1972 ticks
After 028D266B :> now 028D2675, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 028D2DCA :> now 028D35F3, #1 lost 2089 ticks
After 0883076B :> now 08830775, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 08830ECA :> now 088316F3, #1 lost 2089 ticks
After 0E78E86B :> now 0E78E875, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 0E78EFCA :> now 0E78F7F3, #1 lost 2089 ticks
After 146EC96B :> now 146EC975, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 146ED0CA :> now 146ED87E, #1 lost 1972 ticks
If I add this before the while loop:
Code: Select all
tmr :> time; // Reset time is CRUCIAL!
Code: Select all
After 02AE25CB :> now 05A91DF6, #0 lost 50001963 ticks
After 05A91DA5 :> now 05A930C3, #1 lost 4894 ticks
After 08A406CB :> now 08A406D5, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 0B9EFEA5 :> now 0B9EFEAF, #1 lost 10 ticks
After 0E99E7CB :> now 0E99E7D5, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 1194DFA5 :> now 1194DFAF, #1 lost 10 ticks
After FA0A26A5 :> now FA0A26AF, #1 lost 10 ticks
After FD050FCB :> now FD050FD5, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 000007A5 :> now 000007AF, #1 lost 10 ticks
After 02FAF0CB :> now 02FAF0D5, #0 lost 10 ticks
After 05F5E8A5 :> now 05F5E8AF, #1 lost 10 ticks
After 08F0D1CB :> now 08F0D1D5, #0 lost 10 ticks
Like why should reset of time cause such a clean pattern, while without that reset we have the swing in. Is there some cycle interference in the scheduling?
I will try to discuss this at [1] when I know more of what's going on here. I have asked more than one question here (and some I see I haven't asked, there are other matters like the 4894 ticks above) so I guess that a single paragraph as an answer may be difficult. But maybe there is one?
I use xTc 14.3.3
[1] [[combinable]] on same core timing (standard disclaimer: no money, gifts, ads etc..)