USB doesn't enumerate in xCORE-200 Multichannel Audio Platform

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USB doesn't enumerate in xCORE-200 Multichannel Audio Platform

Post by maqu67 »

in the past I tested software "sw_usb_audio-[sw]_6.15.2rc1" on board "xCORE-200 Multichannel Audio Platform" using the PORT USB_MICRO_B as USB input from the HOST PC and everything worked correctly in the sense that I was able to reproduce an audio file from the HOST-PC via the left and right output channels of the "xCORE-200 Multichannel Audio" Board.

At one point I tried to use the USB_A port from the HOST-PC to the audio board and from that moment the xCORE-200 Multichannel Audio Board no longer worked as the hostPC was no longer able to recognize the board via the USB connection (also using again the USB_MICRO_B to connect the PC-host to the board).

Now I dont't know if doing with this test I've damaged the XMOS internal tranceiver.

I've checked the behavior of the board and I'm sure that the FSUSB63 device (USB MUX) works in the correct manner because signals in the D- and D+ pins in the PORT USB_MICRO_B reach the XMOS D- and D+ pins.
When I run the "sw_usb_audio-[sw]_6.15.2rc1" the USB_VBUS pin in the XMOS goes correctly to 5V to activate the internal XMOS USB tranceiver.

I've also tested the board versus the AN00162_i2s_loopback-demo software and the board works fine because audio in the input analog left and rigth channels reach the output analog left and rigth channels , and this means that the XMOS device in the xCORE-200 Multichannel Audio Board is still working and in this case I have tested that the USB_VBUS pin in the XMOS is correctly at 0V (with USB cable disconnected from HOST PC).

Is there a manner to check if the XMOS internal tranceiver activated and is correcly working when the USB_VBUS pin in the XMOS to 5V ? Is possible to check it via a software flag?

Hoping in a kindly reply,

Best Regards

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Post by mon2 »

Check out AN00129 - USB HID MOUSE demo on XCORE200

Be sure to steer the mux to allow for the interconnect to the connector - personally have not reviewed this board but have tested the IP with success on a custom OEM client's PCB with success. The demo, if it works, will connect to the host in High Speed (480mbps) and move the mouse in a square pattern till you stop the demo.

This will be a great way to validate if the USB IP and port pins are working. Would you have placed the required inrush current protection onto Vbus of the XMOS device? That is a must if you are facing any cabling from the outside world.

Please post your results.
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Post by maqu67 »

Hello mon2,

this afternoon I'll try what you are suggesting.

In any case I didn't place any required inrush current protection onto Vbus of the XMOS device because I didn't change anything in the xCORE-200 Multichannel Audio Platform I received XMOS via

I've only changed in the software the GPIO configuration to use the USB_A and I connected via an external USB cable the host PC to the board using the USB_A port.
Do you think that this operation can be the origin of the problem? The internal USB tranceiver can be damaged because the xCORE-200 Multichannel Audio Platform is not protected for this type of connection?