About xCORE200 extending the reference design to higher sample rates

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Post by infiniteimprobability »

You shouldn't need the 45.158MHz clock because DSD512 uses 22.5792MHz. Going that high will double the amount of work in outputting clocks on XS1 implementations (and half the amunt of time for sample exchange with USB). The code will connect MCLK directly to the clock output if divider == 1.

Saying that, I am fairly sure others have managed to get the 4xMHz MCLK working on XS1 if you need to go this route for other reasons (eg. DAC requirement).

DSD native is easier - the data rate is half of DoP. That will make it easier for sure.
point me to the "others" who have tried?
SOrry - don't have specific links but googline DSD512 xmos xcore etc. gets commercial products and a few forum posts.
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Post by dweeb4 »

Thanks again - much appreciated
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Post by MiveraAudio »

infiniteimprobability wrote:You shouldn't need the 45.158MHz clock because DSD512 uses 22.5792MHz. Going that high will double the amount of work in outputting clocks on XS1 implementations (and half the amunt of time for sample exchange with USB). The code will connect MCLK directly to the clock output if divider == 1.
Are you sure this is how it works? I thought that you needed to have a 45.158MHz clock for DSD 512 support because the falling edge is used for the DSDclock? For example DIYINHK has 2 versions of their Xcore-200 based usb interface. This one here:

https://www.diyinhk.com/shop/audio-kits ... f-pcb.html

Has 22/24MHz clocks and maxes out at DSD 256. And this one here is the exact same boards other than the solder mask color and 45/49MHz clocks and is capable of DSD 512:

https://www.diyinhk.com/shop/audio-kits ... d-pcb.html

If what you're saying is true, why does the 22/24Mhz board max out at DSD 256?

Thanks in advance!