problem with lib_usb on XEF232-1024 Topic is solved

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Post by plex »

Hi Henk,
Thank you for your suggestions. I confirm that everything is working fine. For anyone with similar requirements here is what is required to get the lib_usb and xscope debugging working on the XEF232-1024. I am using the USB CDC as a virtual com port mostly connected to Windows 10 without any problems.

The XN file created by the tools has to be modified with changing references to the usb_tile from an array "usb_tile[2]" to 2 different names. I have used usb_tile and usb2_tile.
This way when the 'usb_tile" is passed in the lib_usb it will not throw an error for incorrect type.
In the XN file posted bellow a link has also been added for XSCOPE.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Network xmlns=""
  <Name>XEF232-1024-FB374-C40 Device</Name>

    <Declaration>tileref tile[4]</Declaration>
    <Declaration>tileref usb_tile</Declaration>
    <Declaration>tileref usb2_tile</Declaration>

    <Package id="0" Type="XS2-UEFnA-1024-FB374">
        <Node Id="0" InPackageId="0" Type="XS2-L16A-512" SystemFrequency="500MHz" OscillatorSrc="1">
            <Source Location="bootFlash0"/>
            <Bootee NodeId="2"/>
          <Tile Number="0" Reference="tile[0]">
            <Port Location="XS1_PORT_1B" Name="PORT_SQI_CS_0"/>
            <Port Location="XS1_PORT_1C" Name="PORT_SQI_SCLK_0"/>
            <Port Location="XS1_PORT_4B" Name="PORT_SQI_SIO_0"/>
          <Tile Number="1" Reference="tile[1]"/>
        <Node Id="2" InPackageId="2" Type="XS2-L16A-512" SystemFrequency="500MHz" OscillatorSrc="3">
            <Source Location="LINK" BootMode="4"/>
          <Tile Number="0" Reference="tile[2]"/>
          <Tile Number="1" Reference="tile[3]"/>
        <Node Id="1" InPackageId="1" Type="periph:XS1-SU" Reference="usb_tile" Oscillator="24MHz">
        <Node Id="3" InPackageId="3" Type="periph:XS1-SU" Reference="usb2_tile" Oscillator="24MHz">
        <Link Encoding="5wire" Delays="3clk">
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="7"/>
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="2" Link="0"/>
        <Link Encoding="5wire" Delays="3clk">
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="4"/>
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="2" Link="3"/>
        <Link Encoding="5wire" Delays="3clk">
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="6"/>
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="2" Link="1"/>
        <Link Encoding="5wire" Delays="3clk">
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="5"/>
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="2" Link="2"/>
        <Link Encoding="5wire">
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="8" Delays="52clk,52clk"/>
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="1" Link="XL0" Delays="1clk,1clk"/>  
         <Link Encoding="5wire">
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="2" Link="8" Delays="52clk,52clk"/>
          <LinkEndpoint NodeId="3" Link="XL0" Delays="1clk,1clk"/>
    <Node Id="4" Type="device:" RoutingId="0x8000">
      <Service Id="0" Proto="xscope_host_data(chanend c);">
        <Chanend Identifier="c" end="3"/>
    <Link Encoding="2wire" Delays="5clk" Flags="XSCOPE">
      <LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="XL0"/>
      <LinkEndpoint NodeId="4" Chanend="1"/>
    <Device NodeId="0" Tile="0" Class="SQIFlash" Name="bootFlash0">
      <Attribute Name="PORT_SQI_CS" Value="PORT_SQI_CS_0"/>
      <Attribute Name="PORT_SQI_SCLK" Value="PORT_SQI_SCLK_0"/>
      <Attribute Name="PORT_SQI_SIO" Value="PORT_SQI_SIO_0"/>
    <JTAGDevice NodeId="0"/>
    <JTAGDevice NodeId="2"/>
The following xcc flags have to included in the makefile for the usb to work:

For the XSCOPE to work for debugging:
1)I have added the -fxscope flag the makefile xcc flags
2)Added a config.xscope file with this declaration: <xSCOPEconfig ioMode="basic" enabled="true"/>
3)Set the target IO options to Xscope in the Run configurations.
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