XCore Forum Logo

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XCore Forum Logo

Post by DanB »

Only just noticed the change to XCore Forum Logo - 'XCore' ASCII binary representation. How long has it been like this? For anything in particular? :)
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Post by phalt »

Today (10/11/11) and tomorrow (11/11/11) are the last binary days this century.

I've been allowed to create special logos for holidays and significant, xmos-related events.

Keep an eye out over the next few months, we've got XCore.com's birthday coming up!
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Post by octal »

cool this logo. more representative of what XMOS components and technologies are about.
I think that the logo is too much technical, too much geeky. I personally would have added to it the word XCore vertically, a very small written "XCore" at the left of binay numbers, written from bottom to top (90° anticlockwise rotated word).
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Post by Berni »

Ah nice one, but you may want to change the filename of the logo image when you do it, since i had to do Ctrl+f5 to see it, since my browser seamed to have cached the old one.