editor: project doesn't contain valid configurations

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editor: project doesn't contain valid configurations

Post by rsdio »

I am building and running app_usb_aud_skc_u16 [sw_usb_audio - 6.4.0beta2], but I cannot open source code under module_xud [sc_xud - 1.0.3beta1]. I am trying to look in XUD_EpFunctions.xc or XUD_Ports.xc, but neither are accessible. The error message from xTIMEcomposer Community 13.0.2 is:

Could not open the editor: the project does not contain valid configurations

Details >> shows a long list of org.eclipse.core.runtime, .cdt.*, and other items.

I'm not sure what's wrong with the project, since everything builds and runs. I'm no Eclipse expert, so I don't understand where to look to fix this.

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Post by Bianco »

XUD is only distributed in binary form. The source code is not available.
This is problably your issue.
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Post by jamess »

I am also seeing the problem, and it is a symptom of larger issues for me.

The fact that it may be caused by xud only being distributed in binary form unfortunately does not give me a solution.

So, the specific tertiary problem I have is that when trying to open xud.h in the editor, it will not open. It can be opened by an outside entity, but "why not in eclipse?????" Instead of opening, eclipse instead shows: "Could not open the editor: the project does not contain valid configurations"

The secondary problem I am encountering is when trying to build "app_uas_aud_skc_su1" application from the USB-Audio-2.0-Device-Reference-Design-Software(6.5.0) distribution. If I go into the makefile an remove the -O3 flag, the project will no longer complete its compilation and instead produce the following errors:

D:/root/rainshadow/XMOS/USB-Audio-2.0-Device-Reference-Design-Software(6.5.0)/sc_usb_audio/module_usb_audio/usb_buffer/usb_buffer.xc: Error: Undefined reference to 'XUD_SetReady_In' (possible inline definition without external definition)
D:/root/rainshadow/XMOS/USB-Audio-2.0-Device-Reference-Design-Software(6.5.0)/sc_usb_audio/module_usb_audio/usb_buffer/decouple.xc: Error: Undefined reference to 'XUD_SetReady_InPtr' (possible inline definition without external definition)
D:/root/rainshadow/XMOS/USB-Audio-2.0-Device-Reference-Design-Software(6.5.0)/sc_usb_audio/module_usb_audio/usb_buffer/decouple.xc: Error: Undefined reference to 'XUD_SetReady_OutPtr' (possible inline definition without external definition)

And yes, those are all inline macros that happened to be contained in the file "xud.h" that I can't open from within Eclipse.

I am completely new to this platform. Do those inline macros always have to be inline? Is there an external definition that can be substituted? If not, what would be a makefile work-around to turn off the optimization and still get the project to compile?

And that actually brings me back to me primary problem. The reason why I was attempting to turn off the optimization is that when I run the compiled example, the debugger cannot find the source code.

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Post by jamess »

I eventually figured out the debugger not finding the source code issue -- I didn't have the launch configuration binary chosen correctly. So I can debug the code from reference design software.

But not being able to turn of -O3 (without getting compile errors) and being unable to open xud.h within eclipse is still a puzzle.