Memory map

Technical questions regarding the XTC tools and programming with XMOS.
Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:17 am

Memory map

Post by MFlamer »

I'm making some good progress on this beast in assembler. I can blink LED's, check the status of registers using the debugger, etc.. Couple more questions:

Is there a way to see the contents of RAM?

Does the documentation explain the default memory layout for instructions, stack, etc?

Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:17 am

Post by MFlamer »

OK, I have Xmapper working and I have figured out that instructions to execute get placed at 10000. I was confused how multiple threads each with a seperate stack pointer work. I think I understand now: If compiled using C or XC, the stacks are sized through static analysis and placed one after the other (not sure where they start yet). If using assembler (as I am strictly at this point) it's up to me to manage all the seperate thread stacks. Please correct me if I'm wrong or feel free to add any related comments, this is a topic where the docs seem a little thin. Thanks.