how to change one library with new version

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how to change one library with new version

Post by maqu67 »


I'm trying to compile the Application Note "AN00162_-Using-the-I2S-library" software.

When I compile the code I have the following error:

23:25:33 **** Incremental Build of configuration Default for project AN00162_i2s_loopback_demo ****
xmake CONFIG=Default all
Checking build modules
ERROR: Required version of lib_xassert is >=3.0.0 and actual version is 2.0.1
xmake[1]: *** [check_version_lib_xassert] Error 1
xmake: *** [check_module_deps] Error 2

23:25:37 Build Finished (took 3s.470ms)

I downloaded the version 3.0 of lib_xassert but I don't know how to substitute the old version.
Can you describe me the steps I've to implement?

Thanks a lot in advance for you help

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Post by mon2 »

1) Start with a fresh workspace

2) Select Examples icon on the left side of the tool screen.

3) Type in AN00162 to locate this example project.

4) Double click to import into the workspace.

5) Goto Project pull down -> Build All. This will start the compilation and raise the dependencies for the more current versions of the library files. Allow the tool to import the more current versions as required and select Finish. This will repeat one more time for more required files. Select Finish.

6) Be patient and allow for the project to compile with a successful build.

Post your results or other questions you may have.
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Post by maqu67 »

Dear mom2,

thanks a lot for your Help.
Following the step you show to me now I'm able to test the "loopback application" on my xCORE-200 MC AUDIO BOARD.
Input analog audio on LINE IN socket as source and Output analog audio on LINE OUT socket.


Thanks a lot.
