lib_usb 3.1.1 problem?

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lib_usb 3.1.1 problem?

Post by ejolson9 »

This is just a heads up if others run into similar issues. I recently got back to developing with xmos and am starting from the example code.

For AN00136 (2.1.2), it doesn't appear to work with lib_usb 3.1.1 . It does work with lib_usb 3.0.0. Note that the required lib in the documentation is version 3.1.0, but it is surprising that the latest version would not work.

The exact issue is that windows doesn't even recognize the device ( says something like the device has malfunctioned, vid/pid=0x0000).

edit: forgot to say this is on an XP-SKC-U16 development kit aka slicekit u16
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Post by mon2 »

Thanks for your post. Your observation appears to align with this post of similar raised issues:

Our testing of the USB kit went well but we performed our testing over a year so ago and likely with an older USB library release.
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Post by Ross »

Thanks for the report, here is a fix (effects U-series only, introduced in 3.1.0)

Code: Select all

--- a/lib_usb/xudlib/XUD_Manager.xc
+++ b/lib_usb/xudlib/XUD_Manager.xc
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ static int XUD_Manager_loop(XUD_chan epChans0[], XUD_chan epChans[],  chanend ?c
-#if (defined(ARCH_L) && !defined(ARCH_X200)) || defined(ARCH_G)
+#if (defined(ARCH_L) && !defined(ARCH_X200) && !defined(ARCH_S)) || defined(ARCH_G)
         /* For L/G series we wait for clock from phy then enable logic */
         unsigned UIFM_MODE = 2;

Will get 3.1.2 out as soon as we can.
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Post by ejolson9 »

Thanks, I missed that post in my original search.
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Post by data »

Any word on a release of 3.1.2?
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Post by Ross »

Website was updated with lib_usb version 3.1.2 on 2016-05-19
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Post by peter »

3.1.2 was released to the website on 2016-05-19.