L.E.D cube 3D hologram over internet with webcam and 3d soft

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L.E.D cube 3D hologram over internet with webcam and 3d soft

Post by xhacktly »

Version: 1
Status: Just an idea
License: Custom Licence

General information;
I am very interested in holograms ;)

and i wanna to make a cheap and easy build, so every one can have a hologram visualization led cube connected to a computer !

This will be possible by using a webcam to record the movement in action(with webcam 3d software), and send the data to the one u are talking with over the web.

So then u can get a 3d hologram inside a led cube moving in realtime!. (i have also been thinking about using many small thin-film screens(connected in a led cube-way circle) instead of L.E.D's but i think i will start with a led cube.
please feel free too contact me if u are interested in joining the project, or it u have any other cool and interesting hologram ideas or improvements;)
some links;

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QrnwoO1 ... r_embedded
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Post by xhacktly »