Our initial plan is to give low cost (or free) CrowdSwitches to low income residents of extremely high-density urban communities. The best funding model still isn't clear, but we intend to build it within a 501(c)(3) organization to make our altruistic motives super clear.
- 4-port auto-configuring switch
- 3x RJ45 ~100 Mbps full-duplex ethernet PHY with 1ms worst-case switching latency
- 1x internal SPI connection to an onboard SoC with 8ms worst-case switching latency
- The core of the switch is an xCORE-200 XL216-512-TQ128
- Onboard SoC with ~512MB of RAM, ~4GB of flash, and able to create a wireless hotspot
- Target (bulk) BOM cost is ~$20.
- Providing Internet access to a user
- Connecting to a regular Wi-Fi Internet access point
I've open-sourced the code for the switch at: http://github.com/isogrid/isoswitch