Excellent. Thanks for the updates and pics.
On the ground guard, the following is the best summary on this topic after some searches:
https://www.quicklogic.com/assets/pdf/a ... P-RevC.pdf
1) The ground guard is only on the surface (top side) layer.
2) For USB 2.0 HS support, you are required to keep the ground and power layers to be solid as shown in this and other documents.
3) 4L is recommended. 2L is too risky yet many low cost houses use this practice. Guessing they will also face some compatibility issues such as the quality and length of USB cables they can use, etc.
4) For proper support, recommend that you search out USB 2.0 HS compliant cables. If possible, ask the supplier if they have TDI # for the cable to confirm the cable has been properly tested. Most will offer a cable and say "it works". The formal test report, if real, will save you some headaches later on. As a general rule, if you purchase a true brand name cable (ie. Molex, etc.), you should be fine to know that the cable is ok @ HS on USB 2.0. Many vendors out there and pretty sure my mother is making them as well as they are so common.
5) The new layout looks great but please do insert proper ESD protection and if practical even EMI filter. We use Kingcore EMI filters which are a common footprint so you can use almost any other supplier to get started and then buy from Kingcore Taiwan at much lower costs.
USB 2.0 EMI filter (choke)
KC p/n.WCM-2012-900T
Price USD0.04/pc FOB Taiwan
MOQ=36000pcs per shipment
Rex Chen
Your Best EMI Solution Partner
鈞寶電子工業股份有限公司/King Core Electronics Inc.
O.Phone: +886-3-4698855#201
Address: 台灣桃園市平鎮區南豐路269號/No.269, Nanfong Road, Pingjhen City, Taoyuan County 324, Taiwan
6) We use Socay ESD protection devices but use what works for you. The Socay device we use has the same footprint as the Littlefuse part but Littlefuse is much more expensive. As noted a few times in these forums, ESD is real and highly recommend to use such parts so you can enjoy selling and not hearing complaints from end users and negative reviews. Our philosophy, build a product that you would buy.
7) Finally, do submit your PCB files to a good PCB shop to request that they can support impedance control for this region of the design. Only then proceed with an order. Varying with costs, some PCB shops do not offer impedance control but will be much lower in costs. Ok if you are 100% sure that your gerbers are 100% ok to use as-is. For now, allow the PCB shop to control this area of the design with their laminate as required.
8) If you need some recommendations for good PCB shops, let us know or post back.