Firmware XK-VF3100-LV33 with 7 channels: Channel 1 for ASR, Ch. 2 for human, Ch. 3-6 raw mics, Ch. 7 reference for AEC

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Firmware XK-VF3100-LV33 with 7 channels: Channel 1 for ASR, Ch. 2 for human, Ch. 3-6 raw mics, Ch. 7 reference for AEC

Post by oplatek »


the prebuild firmware for XK-VF3100-LV33 VocalFusion-Speaker-binaries_1.1.2 does not contain the most obvious firmware
providing via USB all the channels offered by the DSP.
Similarly what the firmware usb/app_vf_stereo_base_usb.xe for XK-VF3500-L33 provides.

I am interested in synchronized 7 channels available over USB:
Channel 1 for human
Channel 2 for ASR,
Channel 3, raw mic 1 signal
Channel 4, raw mic 2 signal
Channel 5, raw mic 3 signal
Channel 6, raw mic 4 signal
Channel 7, reference for AEC, speaker signal.

Can you advise me on how to obtain/build such firmware?

Thank you!