The G4 Switch

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The G4 Switch

Post by lilltroll »

I always forget this, so I post it where I easily can find it again.

How many streaming channels can the XS1-G4 handle between different XCores, e.g. how many "onchip" links (called ?-Links by XMOS) are there on the G4.
Probably not the most confused programmer anymore on the XCORE forum.
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Post by Woody »

There are 4 plinks from each core to the switch. So the simple answer is that each xcore can have a maximum of 4 streaming channels to destinations outside it's core. If you want to keep a plink free for all other non streaming channels then the maximum is 3.

However if your streaming channels only output or only input data then it is possible to get up to 8. But you've got to work around warnings & perhaps errors with compiler switches etc.