Hobbyist friendly XCORE-200 board

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Hobbyist friendly XCORE-200 board

Post by Endre »


Is there any board for that purpose? I mean something like the R-PI Pico, Teensy, Arduino, Bluepill etc. I was looking for it for I while but didn't find anything. Wouldn't it make the platform more popular?
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Post by mon2 »

Good luck finding inventory of the XMOS devices. No firm ETA and very little if any stock at crazy pricing. The official kit from XMOS is recommended if doing any development work. Not aware of any other available tool. You may be able to 'hack around' with a finished audio board off Aliexpress if using the same CPU as your target.
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Post by fabriceo »

I ve been using the DIYINHK board. you ll need an external 3v3 supply.
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Post by GeorgeIoak »

+1 on the DIYINHK board and they were available at least 1 month ago. Good luck getting any support from them. They respond to requests but provide no real information back.

For initial testing what I did was mount the USB 4-pin header on the board and then plugged in a small 5V to 3.3V switching regulator on that header. That header conveniently provides a 3.3V pin so using that you can now just plug in a USB C cable and begin your work.

If you do get the DIYINHK 768k board I've attached some notes and the pin assignments (sorry, it's a bit messy) but hopefully it makes sense.
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Post by GeorgeIoak »

updated DIYINHK document and XN file
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Post by mon2 »

Thanks for your post.

Can you share the USB Vendor & PIDs for the default firmware on this PCB from DIYINHK ?

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Post by GeorgeIoak »

I'll have to go back and flash the original firmware but I believe that it enumerated with just the XMOS VID and maybe a different PID. I've attached some other data that I gathered.
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Post by mon2 »

Thank you. Any chance you would know if the commercial DSD256 audio driver from DIYINHK is capable of running on other XMOS based designs? The other XMOS based design is able to run DSD256 audio on Linux so the hardware is capable but searching for an affordable solution for yet another abandoned audio widget from Asia. Your post is helping and we may source the same PCB to debug for this XMOS device owner but have very limited free time these days. Also am not an audio developer.
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Post by GeorgeIoak »

I got a chance to go back and flash the original DIYINHK firmware and verified that it enumerates as

Code: Select all

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 20b1:2009 XMOS Ltd
I do have 2 oddities with my testing:
  • With the DIYINHK firmware I cannot get DSD512 to yield the proper analog output using the DIYINHK square wave test tracks. The format is correct

    Code: Select all

    format: DSD_U32_BE
    but the output of the ES9068 is flat line. All the other DSD test tracks (DSD64, DSD128, DSD256) play fine. I have another DSD512 test track and it also behaves the same. I know the system and files are OK because with another USB DAC based on XMOS and ES9038 I do get the correct output.
  • For some reason with my compiled code I cannot get 768kHz PCM to output properly. With the DIYINHK firmware it plays fine. I have not been able to figure this out.