My HW use XU216, I'd like to enable Optical SPDIF input and output. My software is based on "sw_usb_audio-[sw]_6.15.2" reference code.
The SPDIF Tx works well, I can record stream by another sound card.
But when I try to record Optical SPDIF Rx to a wave file, it seems there is always a "Alias" frequency of Fs/2-f.
For example, if the Optical SPDIF signal sent from another sound card is 8kHz, sampling rate is 48kHz, then the recorded wave has two frequency: 8kHz and 16kHz (=48kHz/2-8kHz).
I tested same issue in both 44.1kHz and 48kHz sampling rate.

Did anyone met this issue before? Any suggestion what is the potential issue?