XTC Tools - IDE Debugging?

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Post by dsteinwe »

I have now running xTimeComposer successfully with XTC15. It is as simple as you have written. I have made a copy of my existing installation xTimeComposer 14.3.3 folder. Then I have replaced the files from xTimeComposer 14.3.3 with the files from XTC15. Till now, you can't start the refurbished xTimeComposer. You have to customize the variable PATH in "SetEnv" as you have posted above. You have to add '$XMOS_TOOL_PATH/xtimecomposer_bin' like this:

Code: Select all

 export PATH=$XMOS_TOOL_PATH/bin:$XMOS_TOOL_PATH/xtimecomposer_bin:$XMOS_TOOL_PATH/arm_toolchain/bin:$PATH
I have only tested yet compile, run, flash and debug.

Unfortunately, you can't check which compiler version is used on compile. But you can test it indirectly, if you compile an old 14.3.3 project with an old version of the *.xn file. The new compiler stops with an error.

When I have tried to run my program on the hardware, I got an error message. I can't remember it exactly, but it was something with "force" and "firmware". After I have reconnected the xtag to the computer, I was able to run my program on the hardware.

Important: XMOS does not recommend to run XTC15 with the xTimeComposer. Doing it anyway, is on you own risk.
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Post by Paolomio »

I know this is a bit of an old thread, but hope springs eternal.

I've set this up as you've documented, and it sorta works. Two problems: 1) compiles are Verrrry Sloooow, on the order of 10 minutes for one of the USB Audio 7.3.1 apps (just one, not all). And, 2) the debugger cannot find any source files. I can set breakpoints, and they are triggered, but all that is available is Disassembly, no source found. This is the bigger problem, since it is the entire reason for trying to use Frankentools like this.

FWIW, I'm running Win10, with tons of memory and processors available.

Any suggestions?
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Post by dsteinwe »

I no longer use xTimeComposer with XTC15 because I had some problems with it. I can't write any more about it because I can't remember the details. I still use xTimeComposer with the old compiler version. Fortunately, this is sufficient for my project as I only work with the xcore200. Sorry I can't help you with that.
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Post by AndyCap »

And I gave up on the explorer board entirely.

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Post by fabriceo »

Hi paolomio
I m using IDE 14.4.1 with XTC 15.2.1 and SWUSB audio 7.3.1
I had to create a new workspace and to import each relevant folders/modules from the original zip file in order to create a good project for the IDE. then everything works perfect (compilation time & debugger)

here is the zip file of the whole project, including only the app folder for eve_316

go in File/import. Select General/existing project and then tick "select archive file".

hope this helps
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Post by Paolomio »

Awesome! I'll give this a try.

Thanks for the help.
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Post by Paolomio »

Hi fabriceo,

Thanks again for the files. After a number of false starts, I am able to get your project to build and run, and it is faster to compile. But I am still in the same situation--I can build the app, set breakpoints, and run until one is hit. But the IDE does not seem to find the source; all I get is disassembly. I've set Debug Configuration|Source|Source Lookup Path to explicitly point to the various folders of the source tree, but to no avail.

Any ideas on what else I can try?
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Post by fabriceo »

Hi Paolomio
I ve just reproduced this this morning : compiling the exact same project than the one posted to you, putting a break point in a file at a given line and then running te app in debug mode (are you using the "green bug" button of the tool bar ???)
then I get a proper switch to debug screen and cursor positioned automatically to the line of the breakpoint. See picture below.

this is not on windows but Mac osx but okay...
hope you find a solution
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Post by Paolomio »

Hi fabriceo,

I'd prefer to do all this on macos--what version are you using? I wasn't able to get a version of java installed that the Eclipse would use properly. What version of java do you have?


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Post by fabriceo »

working perfectly on osx ventura :https://www.xcore.com/viewtopic.php?p=39688#p39688
but with sonoma some hiccup : https://www.xcore.com/viewtopic.php?t=8631