I get a sporadic USB protocol error when I start a firmware update. I use dfu-utils under Linux. My code is:
Code: Select all
XUD_Result_t dfu_handler(...) {
log_debug("==== dfu_handler called.");
if (sp.bmRequestType.Direction == USB_BM_REQTYPE_DIRECTION_H2D) {
log_debug("==== dfu_handler; H2D; data_length: %u", sp.wLength);
if (sp.wLength) {
result = XUD_GetBuffer(ep0_out, data, data_length);
log_debug("==== dfu_handler; H2D; result: %u", result);
if (result != XUD_RES_OKAY) return result;
log_debug("==== dfu_handler; Request: %u", sp.bRequest);
Code: Select all
[DEBUG - usb_control] ==== dfu_handler called.
[DEBUG - usb_control] Request processed: DFU_GETSTATUS; status = 0, state = DFU_DOWNLOAD_IDLE
[DEBUG - usb_control] Host request:
Result = ok
Recipient = 0b00001 (Specific interface)
Type = 0b01 (Class specific request)
Direction = 0 (Host -> Dev; set)
bRequest = 1 (0x1)
wValue = 11 (0xB)
wIndex = 0 (0x0)
wLength = 64 (0x40)
[DEBUG - usb_control] ==== dfu_handler called.
[DEBUG - usb_control] ==== dfu_handler; H2D; data_length: 64
I have gathered following informations:
Code: Select all
host to device request:
Frame 2224: 128 bytes on wire (1024 bits), 128 bytes captured (1024 bits) on interface usbmon0, id 0
Setup Data
bmRequestType: 0x21
bRequest: 1
wValue: 0x0006
wIndex: 0 (0x0000)
wLength: 64
Data Fragment: 4d7959e952038f6b60fcf469d52636cdc46ea0493b34d03fc9fcdb832a9629b5b8751d6d…
Frame 2225: 64 bytes on wire (512 bits), 64 bytes captured (512 bits) on interface usbmon0, id 0
[Source: 1.14.0]
[Destination: host]
URB id: 0xffff895616e316c0
URB transfer type: URB_CONTROL (0x02)
Endpoint: 0x00, Direction: OUT
0... .... = Direction: OUT (0)
.... 0000 = Endpoint number: 0
Device: 14
URB bus id: 1
Device setup request: not relevant ('-')
Data: not present ('>')
URB sec: 1703254218
URB usec: 705401
URB status: Protocol error (-EPROTO) (-71)
URB length [bytes]: 0
Data length [bytes]: 0
[Request in: 2224]
[Time from request: 0.000139000 seconds]
Unused Setup Header
Interval: 0
Start frame: 0
Copy of Transfer Flags: 0x00000000
Number of ISO descriptors: 0
[bInterfaceClass: Application Specific (0xfe)]
xrun --dump-state:
Code: Select all
Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
[Switching to tile[1] core[4] (dual issue)]
NextTokenAfterPing () at XUD_TokenJmp.S:7
7 XUD_TokenJmp.S: No such file or directory.
in XUD_TokenJmp.S
Current language: auto; currently asm
***** Active Cores *****
* 10 tile[1] core[4] (dual issue) NextTokenAfterPing () at XUD_TokenJmp.S:7
9 tile[1] core[3] (dual issue) output_processor_task (c_output_processor=2147682050, c_output_distributor=2147680514, i_generator=524064) at ../src/audiostreams/output_processor_task.xc:311
8 tile[1] core[2] (dual issue) 0x00048414 in queue_next_element_sent (instance=@0x54928, c=2147680770) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_utils/src/utils_queue.xc:36
7 tile[1] core[1] (dual issue) XUD_GetBuffer_Finish (c=2147683074, e=339824, datalength=<value optimized out>) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_xud/lib_xud/src/user/client/XUD_EpFunctions.c:127
6 tile[1] core[0] (dual issue) process_cmd (cmd=<value optimized out>, c_input_processor=<value optimized out>) at ../src/audiostreams/input_processor_task.xc:307
5 tile[0] core[4] (dual issue) 0x00044c54 in start_task ()
4 tile[0] core[3] (dual issue) 0x00040c84 in dfu_write (ctx=<value optimized out>, i_i2c=<value optimized out>, data=<value optimized out>) at ../src/periphery/extension_card_control.xc:391
3 tile[0] core[2] (dual issue) process_samples () at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_i2s_master_tx/src/i2s_master_tx.xc:173
2 tile[0] core[1] (dual issue) output_distributor_task (c_output_distributor=2147614978, c_spdif_tx=@0x7fbec, c_i2s_tx=2147616258, p_dac_config=263424) at ../src/periphery/output_distributor.xc:164
1 tile[0] core[0] (dual issue) is_wclk_level_not_matched (p_wclk=66304, p_data=@0x53d18, t=<value optimized out>, timestamp=@0x7facc, port_counter=@0x1, code_location=<value optimized out>, level=<value optimized out>) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_i2s_slave_rx/src/i2s_slave_rx.xc:56
Current language: auto; currently c
Thread 10 (tile[1] core[4] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
Current language: auto; currently asm
#0 NextTokenAfterPing () at XUD_TokenJmp.S:7
#1 0x0004a080 in XUD_Setup_LoadBuffer () at ./included/XUD_Token_Setup_DI.S:18
#2 0x0004a080 in XUD_Setup_LoadBuffer () at ./included/XUD_Token_Setup_DI.S:18
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
0x4a548 <NextTokenAfterPing+8>: inpw (l2rus) r11, res[r0], 0x8 *
0x4a54c <NextTokenAfterPing+12>: shr (2rus) r11, r11, 0x18
0x4a54e <NextTokenAfterPing+14>: nop (0r)
0x4a550 <NextTokenAfterPing+16>: nop (0r)
0x4a552 <NextTokenAfterPing+18>: ldw (3r) r10, r10[r11]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80100 524544
r1 0x10500 66816
r2 0x80000 524288
r3 0x0 0
r4 0x1 1
r5 0x52e30 339504
r6 0x3334 13108
r7 0xf335 62261
r8 0x493e0 300000
r9 0xa001 40961
r10 0x513c8 332744
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x4ca78 313976
dp 0x50b90 330640
sp 0x7b330 504624
lr 0x4a080 303232 XUD_Setup_LoadBuffer + 4
pc 0x4a548 304456 NextTokenAfterPing + 8
sr 0x19b 411
spc 0x4a548 304456 NextTokenAfterPing + 8
ssr 0x1c3 451
et 0x0 0
ed 0x10600 67072
sed 0x10400 66560
kep 0x49d80 302464
ksp 0x4a548 304456
Thread 9 (tile[1] core[3] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 output_processor_task (c_output_processor=2147682050, c_output_distributor=2147680514, i_generator=524064) at ../src/audiostreams/output_processor_task.xc:311
#1 0x000411d5 in __main__main_tile_1_task_14 (frame=0x80030102) at ../src/main.xc:357
Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC
Current language: auto; currently c
***** Disassembly *****
0x41fd4 <output_processor_task+1284>: waiteu (0r) *
0x41fd6 <output_processor_task+1286>: nop (0r)
0x41fd8 <event_processor_task>: nop (0r)
0x41fda <event_processor_task+2>: dualentsp (u6) 0x1a
0x41fdc <event_processor_task+4>: std (l2rus) r5, r4, sp[0x9]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80030102 -2147286782
r1 0x2 2
r2 0x7b4bc 505020
r3 0x6 6
r4 0x54454 345172
r5 0x80030102 -2147286782
r6 0x80030702 -2147285246
r7 0x0 0
r8 0x1 1
r9 0x54464 345188
r10 0xcccccccd -858993459
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x4ca78 313976
dp 0x50b90 330640
sp 0x7b568 505192
lr 0x41fcc 270284 _Soutput_processor_task_0 + 1276
pc 0x41fd4 270292 _Soutput_processor_task_0 + 1284
sr 0x141 321
spc 0x0 0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 0
ed 0x80030702 -2147285246
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x49d80 302464
ksp 0x41fd4 270292
Thread 8 (tile[1] core[2] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x00048414 in queue_next_element_sent (instance=@0x54928, c=2147680770) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_utils/src/utils_queue.xc:36
#1 0x00042611 in process_usb_control_cmd () at ../src/events/event_processor_task.xc:925
#2 event_processor_task (c_usb_control=2147682562, c_extension_card_control=2147680770, c_input_processor=2147681282, c_output_processor=2147681794, p_mclk2_counter=65536, p_mclk2=<value optimized out>, p_out_extensions_enabled=68864, p_pwr_peri_in_enabled=<value optimized out>, i_generator=524088, c_out_audiostream=2147683586, c_in_interrupt=2147685122, c_in_feedback=2147684610, mclk2=<value optimized out>, c_sof=<value optimized out>, p_pwr_peri_out_enabled=<value optimized out>, p_compatibility_mode_enabled=<value optimized out>) at ../src/events/event_processor_task.xc:847
#3 0x00041145 in __main__main_tile_1_task_13 (frame=0x54928) at ../src/main.xc:344
Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC
***** Disassembly *****
0x48414 <queue_next_element_sent+8>: nop (0r)
0x48416 <queue_next_element_sent+10>: ldw (2rus) r3, r0[0x4]
0x48418 <queue_next_element_sent+12>: ldc (ru6) r2, 0x0
0x4841a <queue_next_element_sent+14>: ldw (2rus) r11, r0[0x3]
0x4841c <queue_next_element_sent+16>: lsu (3r) r4, r3, r11
***** Registers *****
r0 0x54928 346408
r1 0x80030202 -2147286526
r2 0x1 1
r3 0x0 0
r4 0x301 769
r5 0x80030402 -2147286014
r6 0x80030202 -2147286526
r7 0x80030902 -2147284734
r8 0x80030602 -2147285502
r9 0x0 0
r10 0x80031302 -2147282174
r11 0x425c8 271816
cp 0x4ca78 313976
dp 0x50b90 330640
sp 0x7b720 505632
lr 0x42610 271888 _Sevent_processor_task_0 + 1592
pc 0x48414 295956 queue_next_element_sent + 8
sr 0x100 256
spc 0x0 0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 0
ed 0x80031702 -2147281150
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x49d80 302464
ksp 0x48414 295956
Thread 7 (tile[1] core[1] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 XUD_GetBuffer_Finish (c=2147683074, e=339824, datalength=<value optimized out>) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_xud/lib_xud/src/user/client/XUD_EpFunctions.c:127
#1 XUD_GetBuffer (e=339824, buffer=0x7bc98 "0x6)\n\twIndex = 0 (0x0)\n\twLength = 64 (0x40)\npecific request)�\026r\033", datalength=0x7bcd8) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_xud/lib_xud/src/user/client/XUD_EpFunctions.c:193
#2 0x00044e24 in dfu_handler (ep0_out=339824, ep0_in=@0x7bdb4, sp=@0x7bdb8, c_usb_control=2147682306, c_dfu=<value optimized out>, port_out_optical_enabled=68352, i_generator=524112, port_out_dac_enabled=0) at ../src/usb/control/request_handler_dfu.xc:423
#3 0x0004560d in usb_control_task (c_ep0_out=<value optimized out>, c_ep0_in=<value optimized out>, c_usb_control=2147682306, c_dfu=2147681026, port_out_dac_enabled=65792, port_out_optical_enabled=68352, i_generator=2954197179) at ../src/usb/control/usb_control_task.xc:71
#4 0x00040fc9 in __main__main_tile_1_task_12 (frame=0x0) at ../src/main.xc:309
Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC
Current language: auto; currently minimal
***** Disassembly *****
0x40708 <XUD_GetBuffer+68>: testct (2r) r6, res[r5] *
0x4070a <XUD_GetBuffer+70>: nop (0r)
0x4070c <XUD_GetBuffer+72>: bt (lru6) r6, 0x12
0x40710 <XUD_GetBuffer+76>: in (2r) r6, res[r5] *
0x40712 <XUD_GetBuffer+78>: nop (0r)
***** Registers *****
r0 0x0 0
r1 0x7bc98 507032
r2 0x7bcd8 507096
r3 0x52f70 339824
r4 0x1e 30
r5 0x80030b02 -2147284222
r6 0x7bdb8 507320
r7 0x10b00 68352
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x2 2
r10 0x80030802 -2147284990
r11 0xffffffff -1
cp 0x4ca78 313976
dp 0x50b90 330640
sp 0x7bc68 506984
lr 0x44e24 282148 _Sdfu_handler_0 + 184
pc 0x40708 263944 XUD_GetBuffer + 68
sr 0x140 320
spc 0x0 0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 0
ed 0x80030302 -2147286270
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x49d80 302464
ksp 0x40708 263944
Thread 6 (tile[1] core[0] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 process_cmd (cmd=<value optimized out>, c_input_processor=<value optimized out>) at ../src/audiostreams/input_processor_task.xc:307
#1 input_processor_task (c_in_audiostream=2147685634, c_input_processor=2147681538, c_i2s=2147680258) at ../src/audiostreams/input_processor_task.xc:227
#2 0x00041225 in __main__main_tile_1_task_14 (frame=0x7dd80) at ../src/main.xc:361
#3 0x0004aef8 in __start_other_cores ()
#4 0x00040e29 in __main__main_tile_1 ()
#5 0x0004ab28 in main ()
Current language: auto; currently c
***** Disassembly *****
0x41308 <input_processor_task+156>: waiteu (0r) *
0x4130a <input_processor_task+158>: nop (0r)
0x4130c <input_processor_task+160>: in (2r) r1, res[r5] *
0x4130e <input_processor_task+162>: nop (0r)
0x41310 <input_processor_task+164>: bf (lru6) r1, 0xc
***** Registers *****
r0 0x0 0
r1 0x0 0
r2 0x0 0
r3 0x0 0
r4 0x80030002 -2147287038
r5 0x80030502 -2147285758
r6 0x80031502 -2147281662
r7 0x0 0
r8 0x54434 345140
r9 0x0 0
r10 0x10624dd3 274877907
r11 0x41898 268440
cp 0x4ca78 313976
dp 0x50b90 330640
sp 0x7bfa0 507808
lr 0x41368 267112 input_processor_task + 252
pc 0x41308 267016 input_processor_task + 156
sr 0x141 321
spc 0x0 0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 0
ed 0x80030502 -2147285758
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x49d80 302464
ksp 0x41308 267016
Thread 5 (tile[0] core[4] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x00044c54 in start_task ()
#1 0x00044ab5 in spdif_multi_tx_shared_mode_task (c_spdif_tx=<value optimized out>, p_spdif_tx=<value optimized out>, cb_mclk=<value optimized out>) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_spdif_multi_tx/src/spdif_multi_tx.xc:348
#2 0x00040911 in __main__main_tile_0_task_5 (frame=0x7fbc0) at ../src/main.xc:222
#3 0x0004714c in __start_core ()
***** Disassembly *****
0x44c54 <start_task+80>: testct (2r) r0, res[r6] *
0x44c56 <start_task+82>: nop (0r)
0x44c58 <start_task+84>: bf (lru6) r0, 0x1
0x44c5c <start_task+88>: chkct (rus) res[r6], 0x1 *
0x44c5e <start_task+90>: nop (0r)
***** Registers *****
r0 0x1 1
r1 0x1 1
r2 0x17 23
r3 0xb 11
r4 0x0 0
r5 0x2edff 191999
r6 0x80020502 -2147351294
r7 0x0 0
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x53d28 343336
r10 0x0 0
r11 0x17 23
cp 0x48108 295176
dp 0x53458 341080
sp 0x7f540 521536
lr 0x44d78 281976 start_task + 372
pc 0x44c54 281684 start_task + 80
sr 0x140 320
spc 0x0 0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 0
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x45b00 285440
ksp 0x44c54 281684
Thread 4 (tile[0] core[3] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x00040c84 in dfu_write (ctx=<value optimized out>, i_i2c=<value optimized out>, data=<value optimized out>) at ../src/periphery/extension_card_control.xc:391
#1 process_request (c_dfu=<value optimized out>, request=<value optimized out>) at ../src/periphery/extension_card_control.xc:908
#2 extension_card_control_task (c_extension_card_control=<value optimized out>, c_dfu=2147615490, i_i2c=524112, p_mclk_config=262144, p_interrupt=872436429, p_reset=<value optimized out>) at ../src/periphery/extension_card_control.xc:1024
#3 0x00040821 in __main__main_tile_0_task_3 (frame=0x80020202) at ../src/main.xc:199
Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC
***** Disassembly *****
0x40c84 <extension_card_control_task+456>: nop (0r)
0x40c86 <extension_card_control_task+458>: ldw (2rus) r11, r11[0x0]
0x40c88 <extension_card_control_task+460>: sub (3r) r8, r11, r3
0x40c8a <extension_card_control_task+462>: nop (0r)
0x40c8c <extension_card_control_task+464>: lss (3r) r10, r4, r8
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80020202 -2147352062
r1 0x0 0
r2 0x0 0
r3 0xa940aaa4 -1455379804
r4 0x7fffffff 2147483647
r5 0x301 769
r6 0x0 0
r7 0x1 1
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x1 1
r10 0x0 0
r11 0x7f1a8 520616
cp 0x48108 295176
dp 0x53458 341080
sp 0x7eef8 519928
lr 0x40be4 265188 _Sextension_card_control_task_0 + 296
pc 0x40c84 265348 _Sextension_card_control_task_0 + 456
sr 0x100 256
spc 0x0 0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 0
ed 0x80020302 -2147351806
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x45b00 285440
ksp 0x40c84 265348
Thread 3 (tile[0] core[2] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 process_samples () at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_i2s_master_tx/src/i2s_master_tx.xc:173
#1 configure_and_process (c_i2s_tx=<value optimized out>, cb_bclk=<value optimized out>, p_i2s_wclk=<value optimized out>, p_i2s_bclk=<value optimized out>) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_i2s_master_tx/src/i2s_master_tx.xc:151
#2 process_command (c_i2s_tx=2147616514, cb_bclk=<value optimized out>, p_i2s_data=<value optimized out>, p_i2s_bclk=67584, p_i2s_wclk=68352) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_i2s_master_tx/src/i2s_master_tx.xc:181
#3 0x00043ff5 in i2s_master_tx_shared_mode_task (c_i2s_tx=<value optimized out>, p_i2s_bclk=<value optimized out>, p_i2s_wclk=<value optimized out>, p_i2s_data=<value optimized out>) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_i2s_master_tx/src/i2s_master_tx.xc:211
#4 0x00040995 in __main__main_tile_0_task_6 (frame=0x7fbc0) at ../src/main.xc:234
#5 0x000464d8 in __start_other_cores ()
#6 0x00040a21 in __main__main_tile_0_task_4 (frame=<value optimized out>) at ../src/main.xc:215
#7 0x0004714c in __start_core ()
***** Disassembly *****
0x44278 <process_command+568>: testct (2r) r0, res[r5] *
0x4427a <process_command+570>: nop (0r)
0x4427c <process_command+572>: bf (lru6) r0, 0x1
0x44280 <process_command+576>: chkct (rus) res[r5], 0x1 *
0x44282 <process_command+578>: nop (0r)
***** Registers *****
r0 0x1 1
r1 0x2 2
r2 0xbb80 48000
r3 0x23281 144001
r4 0x10800 67584
r5 0x80020702 -2147350782
r6 0x0 0
r7 0x10b00 68352
r8 0x10900 67840
r9 0x80000000 -2147483648
r10 0x55555555 1431655765
r11 0xbb80 48000
cp 0x48108 295176
dp 0x53458 341080
sp 0x7f6f8 521976
lr 0x43ff4 278516 i2s_master_tx_shared_mode_task + 68
pc 0x44278 279160 process_command + 568
sr 0x140 320
spc 0x0 0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 0
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x45b00 285440
ksp 0x44278 279160
Thread 2 (tile[0] core[1] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 output_distributor_task (c_output_distributor=2147614978, c_spdif_tx=@0x7fbec, c_i2s_tx=2147616258, p_dac_config=263424) at ../src/periphery/output_distributor.xc:164
#1 0x0004088d in __main__main_tile_0_task_3 (frame=0x7fbc0) at ../src/main.xc:206
#2 0x0004714c in __start_core ()
***** Disassembly *****
0x439b0 <output_distributor_task+160>: waiteu (0r) *
0x439b2 <output_distributor_task+162>: nop (0r)
0x439b4 <output_distributor_task+164>: nop (0r)
0x439b6 <output_distributor_task+166>: ldw (ru6) r0, sp[0x9]
0x439b8 <output_distributor_task+168>: setd (r2r) res[r8], r0
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80020602 -2147351038
r1 0x2 2
r2 0xbb80 48000
r3 0x1 1
r4 0x40500 263424
r5 0x0 0
r6 0x0 0
r7 0x80020102 -2147352318
r8 0x101 257
r9 0x1 1
r10 0x80020602 -2147351038
r11 0x43980 276864
cp 0x48108 295176
dp 0x53458 341080
sp 0x7f878 522360
lr 0x43b04 277252 output_distributor_task + 500
pc 0x439b0 276912 output_distributor_task + 160
sr 0x141 321
spc 0x0 0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 0
ed 0x80020102 -2147352318
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x45b00 285440
ksp 0x439b0 276912
Thread 1 (tile[0] core[0] (dual issue)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 is_wclk_level_not_matched (p_wclk=66304, p_data=@0x53d18, t=<value optimized out>, timestamp=@0x7facc, port_counter=@0x1, code_location=<value optimized out>, level=<value optimized out>) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_i2s_slave_rx/src/i2s_slave_rx.xc:56
#1 0x00044554 in get_stream_properties (t=<value optimized out>, sample_rate=@0xd804f000, p_data=@0x53d18, p_wclk=66304) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_i2s_slave_rx/src/i2s_slave_rx.xc:83
#2 i2s_slave_multi_rx_task (c_i2s=2147614722, cb_bclk=<value optimized out>, p_bclk=<value optimized out>, p_wclk=66304, p_data=@0x53d18) at /home/ds/development/workspace-xmos-dsc7.1/lib_i2s_slave_rx/src/i2s_slave_rx.xc:273
#3 0x00040abd in extension_card_control_task (c_extension_card_control=66304, c_dfu=343320, i_i2c=1, p_mclk_config=522956, p_interrupt=2, p_reset=<value optimized out>) at ../src/periphery/extension_card_control.xc:945
Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC
***** Disassembly *****
0x44738 <is_wclk_level_not_matched+76>: waiteu (0r) *
0x4473a <is_wclk_level_not_matched+78>: nop (0r)
0x4473c <is_wclk_level_not_matched+80>: getts (2r) r11, res[r0]
0x4473e <is_wclk_level_not_matched+82>: ldw (ru6) r2, sp[0x3]
0x44740 <is_wclk_level_not_matched+84>: in (2r) r0, res[r0] *
***** Registers *****
r0 0x10300 66304
r1 0x53d18 343320
r2 0x1 1
r3 0x7facc 522956
r4 0xa9499ff3 -1454792717
r5 0x7fac4 522948
r6 0x0 0
r7 0x1 1
r8 0x6 6
r9 0x7facc 522956
r10 0x10300 66304
r11 0x44764 280420
cp 0x48108 295176
dp 0x53458 341080
sp 0x7fa80 522880
lr 0x44554 279892 _Si2s_slave_multi_rx_task_0 + 308
pc 0x44738 280376 is_wclk_level_not_matched + 76
sr 0x141 321
spc 0x0 0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 0
ed 0x10300 66304
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x45b00 285440
ksp 0x44738 280376
Current language: auto; currently asm
Currently, I have no idea, how to fix this error. I'm looking forward to your suggestions!