Bypassing AEC in XVF3800

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Bypassing AEC in XVF3800

Post by Praveen625 »

Application: application_xvf3800_intdev-lr16-lin-spi.xe
Host: ESP32
Slave: XVF3800

I want to hear the live audio from the speaker...

I am working on an application using the ESP32 as the host and the XVF3800 as the slave. My setup involves sending the BCLK and LRCLK from the ESP32 to the XVF3800, which returns data1. I use this data1 signal as the reference and feed it to data0. Then, I configure data2 to be fed to the DAC for audio output.

However, the problem arises when the AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation) function in the XVF3800 processes the audio by removing the reference signal from the microphone input, which ends up canceling out my voice. I need to bypass or disable this AEC function, as I don't want the reference signal to be canceled out when it is fed into the system.

I have reviewed the Programming Guide for the XVF3800 (see Fig. 43), and I noticed that there is a bypass option for the AEC.

Could someone please provide guidance or suggestions on how to properly configure the XVF3800 to bypass the AEC function in my setup? Specifically, I would like to:

Disable AEC processing on the XVF3800.
Ensure that the reference signal (data0) is not canceled out by the AEC.

Looking forward to your insights or suggestions!
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Post by MichaelB »

Hi Praveen625. Please refer to the exchange of messages in ticket 276137.