when enabling scope build fails

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when enabling scope build fails

Post by ycui7 »

Hi I am trying to enable xscope to debug code, I follow the official documentation to add this to the make file, then the build fails.

below is the make file. red highlight the changes.

# The TARGET variable determines what target system the application is
# compiled for. It either refers to an XN file in the source directories
# or a valid argument for the --target option when compiling.

TARGET = ClearSoundDac.xn

# The flags passed to xcc when building the application
# The EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS variable can be used on the xmake command line to add options
BUILD_FLAGS = $(EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS) -fcomment-asm -Xmapper --map -Xmapper MAPFILE -Wall -O3 -report -lquadflash -g -fxscope -DXSCOPE -DUSB_TILE=tile[0] -DXUA_QUAD_SPI_FLASH=1 -DADAT_TX_USE_SHARED_BUFF=1

# The USED_MODULES variable lists other module used by the application. These
# modules will extend the SOURCE_DIRS, INCLUDE_DIRS and LIB_DIRS variables.
# Modules are expected to be in the directory above the BASE_DIR directory.
USED_MODULES = lib_sw_pll lib_xua lib_i2c lib_logging

# Build config naming scheme:

# Audio Class: 1 or 2
# Sync Mode A(sync), S(ync) or (a)D(aptive)
# I2S M(aster), S(lave) or X (I2S disabled)
# Input enabled: i (channelcount)
# Output enabled: o (channelcount)
# MIDI enabled: m, disabled: x
# SPDIF in enabled: s, disabled: x
# SPDIF out enabled: s, disabled: x
# ADAT in enabled: a, disabled: x
# ADAT out enabled: a, disabled: x
# DSD out enabled: d, disabled: x
# e.g. 2AMi10o10xxsxxx: Audio class 2.0, Asynchronous, I2S Master, input and output enabled (10 channels each), no MIDI, SPDIF output, no SPDIF input, no ADAT

# Fully tested build configs (Note these make use of the defaults in xua_conf.h)

# Audio Class 1, Async, I2S Master, 2xInput, 2xOutput
# INCLUDE_ONLY_IN_1AMi2o2xxxxxx =

# Audio Class 2, Async, I2S Master, 2xInput, 2xOutput
XCC_FLAGS_2AMi2o2xxxxxx = $(BUILD_FLAGS)
INCLUDE_ONLY_IN_2AMi2o2xxxxxx =


include configs_test.inc

# The following part of the Makefile includes the common build infrastructure
# for compiling XMOS applications. You should not need to edit below here.

include $(XMOS_MAKE_PATH)/xcommon/module_xcommon/build/Makefile.common

below is the error message:

Compiling dsp_long_short_conversion.S
Rebuild .build/_obj.rsp
Creating clearsound_uac.xe
flashlib_user.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_connectToDevice'
flash_interface.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_deleteImage'
flashlib_user.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_disconnect'
flash_interface.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_endWriteImage'
flash_interface.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_getFactoryImage'
flash_interface.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_getNextBootImage'
flash_interface.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_readImagePage'
flash_interface.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_setProtection'
flash_interface.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_startImageAdd'
flash_interface.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_startImageRead'
flash_interface.c: Error: Undefined reference to 'fl_writeImagePage'

xmake[2]: *** [bin//clearsound_uac.xe] Error 1
xmake[1]: *** [bin//clearsound_uac.xe] Error 2
xmake: *** [Default.all] Error 2
Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:07 pm

Post by markp »

Are you sure adding


has caused this build (linkage) failure?

Can you try and remove this and rebuild and see if you get the same error?
Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:07 pm

Post by markp »

Was this project building successfully before making these xscope changes, using XTC Tools 15.3.0?

Or was it building successfully with XTC Tools 15.2.1? And has never been built successfully with XTC Tools 15.3.0.

Or has it never built successfully at all?