Code: Select all
Author : Jason Lopez (AtomSoft)
Name : threads.xc
Description : Thread & Channel Tutorial
#include <xs1.h>
#include <print.h> //Used For Console Writes
* Step 1. Create a couple of Fuctions which will use the channels.
* Using "chanend" to specify a Channel type as the var type.
* At Least 1 function should send data to the other.
static void ThreadTwo(chanend theChannel) {
unsigned int MyVariable=0; //Init our variable as 0
while(!MyVariable) //Wait for our var to be > 0
theChannel :> MyVariable; //Load Variable(INT) from channel into var
printstr("Recieved: 0x"); //Console Print so we can see clear results
printhexln(MyVariable); //Displays our var and a newline in console
static void ThreadOne(chanend theChannel, unsigned int var) {
printstr("Opening Channel and Sending: 0x"); //Console Print for debug use
printhexln(var); //Displays our var and a newline in console
theChannel <: var; //Send our Variable (INT) into the Channel...
* Step 2. Using the "par" statement you can call other functions
* simultaneously ... up to 8 per core I believe. These are
* threads.
* Step 3. In this example i will be calling ThreadOne function and
* telling it the channel to communicate on is called
* ChanA and the data i want to send if 0xB54F.
* Then I simultaneously call ThreadTwo which soul purpose is
* to wait for data from the channel and tell us it has it
* and what it is.
int main()
chan ChanA; //Create a Channel named ChanA
par {
ThreadOne(ChanA,0xB54F); //Call ThreadOne Using ChanA and Variable(0xB54F)
ThreadTwo(ChanA); //Call ThreadTwo Using ChanA also...
return 0;
Code: Select all
Author : Jason Lopez (AtomSoft)
Name : threads.xc
Description : Thread & Channel Tutorial
#include <xs1.h>
static void ThreadTwo(chanend theChannel) {
unsigned int MyVariable=0;
theChannel :> MyVariable;
static void ThreadOne(chanend theChannel, unsigned int var) {
theChannel <: var;
int main()
chan ChanA;
par {
return 0;