USB SliceKit CDC and Windows 7

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USB SliceKit CDC and Windows 7

Post by Folknology »

I am trying to work with my USB SliceKit on Windows 7 using the CDC example provided with AN00124. I know it works when I plug it into Linux as have tested it. However on Windows 7 when I run the compiled example and point windows to the provided Xmos CDC driver (cdc_demo.inf) Windows complains that it is a windows 95 driver and has an error loading it.

Is there a new updated CDC.inf file that does work with Windows 7 or some way of hacking/modifying it?
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Post by mon2 »

Hi Al. Been there, done that and believe have the T-shirt somewhere around here...
However on Windows 7 when I run the compiled example and point windows to the provided Xmos CDC driver (cdc_demo.inf) Windows complains that it is a windows 95 driver and has an error loading it.

The supplied INF file is not (Microsoft) DTM nor Microsoft signed via the required .CAT file. The noted package is required for installation on 64 bit Windows 7 / 8.x platforms in addition to the INF file supplying the proper OS compatibility string. It may be possible to support Windows 7 32 bit by changing only the INF OS compatibility string. ... 85%29.aspx

However, there are better options.

Noting the above, here is an excellent on topic discussion by the famed Dr. Tsuneo Chinzei (USB guru amongst other topics - a living 'Lucy'

Respectively, legally, cannot confirm nor deny that since the XMOS is programmable, that if you change the IDs presented inside the xud_cdc.c file:

Code: Select all

/* USB CDC device product defines */
#define BCD_DEVICE  0x0100
#define VENDOR_ID   0x20B1
#define PRODUCT_ID  0x0401

Code: Select all

/* USB CDC device product defines */
#define BCD_DEVICE  0x0100
#define VENDOR_ID   0x04D8
#define PRODUCT_ID  0x000A
and download and apply the driver package posted here (as-is since any changes to the INF file will break the signature !!): ... e=0;796940

The combination may or may not work with all Windows 64 platforms (ie. XP64, Windows 7 64 bit and likely Windows 8.x) :)

Have fun !
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Post by Folknology »

Thank you Mon2, clearly I would not recommend anyone else go this route other than to temporarily test things work, but I can confirm this is effective on a 64Bit Windows 7 Installation.

I am hoping that Xmos can provide a signed driver that will work ASAP preventing others from having to jump through such fiery hoops when developing with USB sliceKits (or any standard class non audio Xmos USB application) on modern Windows installations.
