The ./xmos_mixer location? Topic is solved

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The ./xmos_mixer location?

Post by nodoubtur »

Hi there,

I recently got a hold of a U16 Multi-Channel Audio development kit. I've had success setting it up but I would like to control the mixer using my PC.

According to the design guide I can do this using the ./xmos_mixer application however I cannot find the host_usb_mixer_control directory which it sais is its location.

Where might I find this directory?

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Post by ffomich »


"host_usb_mixer_control" folder was only in USB-Audio-2.0-XS1-L2-Software-Release(5.3)[11.2.0].zip - first firmware release for multichannel board.

Try to find it on xmos site. Or later I can add link to this folder for you.

Folder doesn't have xmos_mixer app - you must build it from sources.

For Win32 you must buy SDK with tusbaudioapi.lib file that is required.

For MacOS all libraries are present. I successfully built xmos_mixer in MacOS 10.5.8 using 'make' command in Terminal.

Before run ./xmos_mixer app you must run script from this folder. This script add some PATHS. I don't know why but script do nothing on my MacPC, so I copy text from it and paste it in Terminal.




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Post by ffomich »

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