ASIO problems with TUSBaudio for xCore-200 MC audio

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ASIO problems with TUSBaudio for xCore-200 MC audio

Post by SwenM »

Hello everybody,

I have made an audio interface prototype board based on the reference design for the xCore-200 multichannel audio platform. I flashed it with the 2i10o10mssxx debug build of the current app_usb_aud_xk_216_mc software. The board seems to work ok, i.e. bit and word clock are output correctly and when I connect it to a PC with Windows 7 runnig, it is immediately recognized as xCore Audio 2.0 device. In the control panel of the supplied TUSBaudio evalkit v3.20.0, the input and output format appears correctly as 10 channels, 24 bits.

So far, so good. However, when I try to playback some audio with the help of Reaper v5.17 or Foobar 2000 v1.3.8, I get "Could not create ASIO buffers" (Foobar) and "Error initializing ASIO buffers" (Reaper) error messages. This seems to be an issue not related to the hardware, but the interfacing of the TheSyCon driver with the rec/playback software and I know I should raise the issue to their makers, however I wonder if somebody here has had the same problem when getting started and has an idea of what I could possibly be doing wrong or how to work around the problem.

Thanks in advance for answering!

Kind regards,
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Post by Cal1sto »

Please provide more information about Xmos board brand and the DAC board you use, depending on board origine, clock on them available and DAC processor type the default XMOS usb audio source will not work do on targeting different DAC and Xmos board configuration (Hardware, pin layout, oscillator or PLL , and so on)

I also had and continue to explore to solve issue by this source specific build for the XMOS usb Audio board. (i use a specific board from DIYINHK for XMOS XUF512-TQ128-C20 - multichanel board and AK4490 DAC board in serial mode (software control) for PCM and DSD mode switching ability)