UART problem / solid solution?

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UART problem / solid solution?

Post by mozcelikors »

Hello guys,

I am pretty new to XCORE world.
I have discovered that there are several UART implementations around, but none of them worked for me efficiently.
The problem with lib_uart ( from xmos website) was that you can not receive more than one byte and there is some data loss.

Code: Select all

    while (1) {
        case uart_rx.data_ready(): //Read when data is available

            data =;
For this section for example, when the transmitter sends "X12345678", only "X" is received.
Moreover, when the transmitter sends "X" "Y" "Z" every 0.2 seconds, it is no guarantee that I receive them on the XMOS side in that order (data loss).

This is the software that XCORE provided. And it doesn't simply work. I'm using 115200 baudrate.
What should I do? I am really stuck? Isn't there a solid UART solution?
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Post by mon2 »

Hi. The referenced code sample makes use of the SELECT concept which effectively time slices the tasks. For your design, can you consider to move to a dedicated logical core ? That is, place your RX UART routine into a dedicated logical core and the TX UART routine into yet another dedicated logical core. With this setup, you should be fine to support even 10 Mbps without data loss. ... s?secure=1

To frame accurately with PC standard baud rates, do review your UART clock source. For example, 1.8432 Mhz is recommended for PC standard baud rates (ie. 19200, 57600, 115200).

For simple TX & RX interface to another UART, the above setup should be fine. Other options to consider are to introduce hardware flow control lines to prevent data loss but again, this should not be required unless you plan to go beyond 10 Mbps, etc.

As an experiment, try to apply the 10 Mbps code using a dedicated logical core for the TX and then another for the RX. Using C / XC code, compare the sent and received data for a mismatch. Be cautious if using printf debugging as that will slow down the tasks. There are other options to improve the methods of printf debugging.
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Post by mozcelikors »

I've tried your solution of putting the receiver on a core ( I have to use receiver constantly on xcore), but it didn't make a difference.

Here is the parallel statement:

Code: Select all

 on tile[0].core[1] :         Task_GetRemoteCommandsViaBluetooth(i_tx, i_rx, control_interface, steering_interface);
In the function,

Code: Select all

void Task_GetRemoteCommandsViaBluetooth(client uart_tx_if uart_tx,
                                        client uart_rx_if uart_rx,
                                        client control_if control_interface,
                                        client steering_if steering_interface)
    while (1) {
        //[[ordered]] // Priority in event selection is as ordered below..
        case uart_rx.data_ready(): //Read when data is available

            data =;
            printf("Data received: %c\n", data);
            printf("CommandLine buffer= ");
            for(int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                printf("%c", command[x]);
            // This section is basically dedicated to use the bytes and when the end of line reached,
            // construct the command line.
            if(data != 'E')
                    CommandLine_Buffer[char_index] = data;
                    if(char_index >= COMMANDLINE_BUFSIZE-1) char_index = 0;
                    else char_index++;
            else // data == E
                char_index = 0;
                ctr = 0;
                //Copy the string to construct the command
                for(int x = 0; x < COMMANDLINE_BUFSIZE; x++)
                    command[x] = CommandLine_Buffer[x];

                //Raise the command line ready flag
                command_line_ready = 1;

What am I missing? I am using the following api:

Code: Select all

// Copyright (c) 2016, XMOS Ltd, All rights reserved

#ifndef _uart_h_
#define _uart_h_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <xs1.h>
#include <gpio.h>

#ifdef __XC__

/** Type representing the parity of a UART */
typedef enum uart_parity_t {
  UART_PARITY_EVEN = 0, ///< Even parity.
  UART_PARITY_ODD = 1,  ///< Odd parity.
  UART_PARITY_NONE      ///< No parity.
} uart_parity_t;

/** UART configuration interface.
 *  This interface enables dynamic reconfiguration of a UART. It is used by
 *  several UART components to provide a method of configuration.
typedef interface uart_config_if {
  /** Set the baud rate of a UART.
  void set_baud_rate(unsigned baud_rate);

  /** Set the parity of a UART.
  void set_parity(enum uart_parity_t parity);

  /** Set number of stop bits used by a UART.
  void set_stop_bits(unsigned stop_bits);

  /** Set number of bits per byte used by a UART.
  void set_bits_per_byte(unsigned bpb);
} uart_config_if;

/*---------------------- Receiver API ---------------------------*/

/** UART RX interface.
 *   This interface provides clients access to buffer uart receive
 *   functionality.
typedef interface uart_rx_if {
  /** Get a byte from the receive buffer.
   *   This function should be called after receiving a data_ready()
   *   notification. If these is no data in the buffer (for example, this
   *   function is called before receiving a notification) then the return
   *   value is undefined.
  [[clears_notification]] uint8_t read(void);

  /** Notification that data is in the receive buffer.
   *   This notification function can be selected on by the client and
   *   will event when the is data in the receive buffer. After this
   *   notification the client should call the read() function.
  [[notification]] slave void data_ready(void);

  /** Returns whether there is data in the buffer.
  int has_data();
} uart_rx_if;

extends client interface uart_rx_if : {

  /** Get a byte from the receive buffer.
   *   This function will wait until there is data in the receive buffer
   *   of the uart and then fetch that data. On getting the data, it
   *   will clear the notification flag on the interface.
  inline uint8_t wait_for_data_and_read(client uart_rx_if i) {
    if (!i.has_data()) {
      select {
      case i.data_ready():

/** UART RX.
 *    This function runs a uart receiver.
 *    Bytes received by the this task are buffered.
 *    When the buffer is full further incoming bytes of data will be dropped.
 *    The function never returns and will run indefinitely.
 *    \param i_data        the interface connection allowing clients to
 *                         receive data
 *    \param i_config      the interface connection allowing clients to
 *                         reconfigure the UART
 *    \param buffer_size   the size of the buffer
 *    \param baud          the initial baud rate
 *    \param parity        the intiial parity setting
 *    \param bits_per_byte the initial number of bits per byte
 *    \param stop_bits     the intiial number of stop bits
 *    \param p_rxd         the gpio interface to input data on
void uart_rx(server interface uart_rx_if i_data,
             server interface uart_config_if ?i_config,
             const static unsigned buffer_size,
             unsigned baud,
             enum uart_parity_t parity,
             unsigned bits_per_byte,
             unsigned stop_bits,
             client input_gpio_if p_rxd);

/** Fast/Streaming UART RX.
 * This function implements a fast UART. The UART configuration is
 * fixed to a single start bit, 8 bits per byte, and a single stop bit.
 * On a 62.5 MIPS thread this function should be able to keep up with a 10
 * MBit UART sustained (provided that the streaming channel can keep up
 * with it too).
 * This function does not return.
 * \param p      input port, 1 bit port on which data comes in.
 * \param c      output streaming channel to connect to the application.
 * \param ticks_per_bit  number of clock ticks between bits.
 *                       This number depends on the clock that is
 *                       attached to port p. If it is the
 *                       100 Mhz reference clock then this value
 *                       should be at least 10.
void uart_rx_streaming(in port p, streaming chanend c, int ticks_per_bit);

/** Receive a byte from a streaming UART receiver.
 *  This function receives a byte from the fast/streaming UART component. It is
 *  "select handler" so can be used within a select e.g.
     uint8_t byte;
     size_t index;
     select {
       case uart_rx_streaming_receive_byte(c, byte):
            // use sample and index here...
 *   The case in this select will fire when the UART component has data ready.
 *   \param c       chanend connected to the streaming UART receiver component
 *   \param data    This reference parameter gets set with the incoming
 *                  data
#pragma select handler
void uart_rx_streaming_read_byte(streaming chanend c, uint8_t &data);

/*---------------------- Transmitter API ---------------------------*/

/** UART transmit interface.
 *  This interface provides functions for transmitting data on an
 *  unbuffered UART.
typedef interface uart_tx_if {

  /** Write a byte to a UART.
   *  This function writes a byte of data to a UART. It will output
   *  immediately and block until the data is output.
   *  \param data  The data to write.
  void write(uint8_t data);
} uart_tx_if;

/** UART transmitter.
 *  This function implements an unbuffered UART transmitter.
 *    \param   i_data      interface enabling client to send data.
 *    \param   i_config    interface enabling client to configure the UART.
 *    \param baud          the initial baud rate.
 *    \param parity        the intiial parity setting.
 *    \param bits_per_byte the initial number of bits per byte.
 *    \param stop_bits     the intiial number of stop bits.
 *    \param p_txd         the gpio interface to output data on.

void uart_tx(server interface uart_tx_if i_data,
             server interface uart_config_if ?i_config,
             unsigned baud,
             uart_parity_t parity,
             unsigned bits_per_byte,
             unsigned stop_bits,
             client output_gpio_if p_txd);

/** UART transmit interface (buffered).
 *  This interface contains functions to write to a buffered UART and
 *  manage the buffering.
typedef interface uart_tx_buffered_if {

  /** Write a byte to a UART.
   *  This function writes a byte of data to a UART. It will place the
   *  data in the output buffer queue to write and then return. If the
   *  buffer is full then the data is discarded.
   *  \param data  The data to write.
   *  \returns     non-zero if the write was succesfully. If the buffer was
   *               full then the function will return zero.
  int write(uint8_t data);

  /** Ready to transmit notification.
   *  This notification will occur when the UART is ready to transmit (either
   *  intially or after a write() call when there is space in the buffer).
  slave void ready_to_transmit(void);

  /** Get avaiable buffer size.
   *  This function returns the number of bytes remaining in the buffer that
   *  can be filled by write() calls.
  size_t get_available_buffer_size(void);
} uart_tx_buffered_if;

/** UART transmitter (buffered).
 *  This function implements a UART transmitter. Data sent to the task will
 *  be placed in a buffer and sent at the rate of the UART.
 *    \param i_data        interface enabling client to send data.
 *    \param i_config      interface enabling client to configure the UART.
 *    \param buffer_size   the size of the transmit buffer in bytes.
 *    \param baud          the initial baud rate.
 *    \param parity        the intiial parity setting.
 *    \param bits_per_byte the initial number of bits per byte.
 *    \param stop_bits     the intiial number of stop bits.
 *    \param p_txd         the gpio interface to output data on.
void uart_tx_buffered(server interface uart_tx_buffered_if i_data,
                      server interface uart_config_if ?i_config,
                      const static unsigned buffer_size,
                      unsigned baud,
                      uart_parity_t parity,
                      unsigned bits_per_byte,
                      unsigned stop_bits,
                      client output_gpio_if p_txd);

/** Fast/Streaming UART TX.
 * This function implements a fast UART transmitter.
 * It needs an unbuffered 1-bit
 * port, a streaming channel end, and a number of port-clocks to wait
 * between bits. It receives a start bit, 8 bits, and a stop bit, and
 * transmits the 8 bits over the streaming channel end as a single token.
 * On a 62.5 MIPS thread this function should be able to keep up with a 10
 * MBit UART sustained (provided that the streaming channel can keep up
 * with it too).
 * This function does not return.
 * \param p      input port, 1 bit port on which data comes in.
 * \param c      output streaming channel to connect to the application.
 * \param ticks_per_bit  number of clock ticks between bits.
 *                       This number depends on the clock that is
 *                       attached to port p. If it is the
 *                       100 Mhz reference clock then this value
 *                       should be at least 10.
void uart_tx_streaming(out port p, streaming chanend c, int ticks_per_bit);

/** Write a byte to a streaming UART transmitter.
 *  This function writes a
 *   \param c       chanend connected to the streaming UART Tx component
 *   \param data    The data to send.
void uart_tx_streaming_write_byte(streaming chanend c, uint8_t data);

/*---------------------- Half Duplex API ---------------------------*/

/** Type representing the mode (direction) of a uart. */
typedef enum uart_half_duplex_mode_t {
  UART_RX_MODE, ///<  Uart is in receive mode.
  UART_TX_MODE  ///<  Uart is in transmit mode.
} uart_half_duplex_mode_t;

/** Interface to control the mode of a half-duplex UART */
typedef interface uart_control_if {
  /** Set the mode of the UART.
   *  This function can be used to control whether the UART is in send or
   *  receive mode.
  void set_mode(uart_half_duplex_mode_t mode);
} uart_control_if;

/** Half duplex UART.
 *  This function implements a UART that can either transmit or receive on
 *  the same wire. The application explicitly control whether the component
 *  is in transmit or receive mode.
 *  \param i_tx           interface for transmitting data.
 *  \param i_rx           interface for receiving data.
 *  \param i_control      interface for controlling the direction of the UART.
 *  \param i_config       interface for configuring the UART.
 *  \param tx_buf_length  the size of the transmit buffer (in bytes).
 *  \param rx_buf_length  the size of the receive buffer (in bytes).
 *  \param baud           baud rate.
 *  \param parity         the parity of the UART.
 *  \param bits_per_byte  bits per byte.
 *  \param stop_bits      The number of stop bits (0,1 or 2)
 *  \param p_uart         the 1-bit port to send/recieve the UART signals.
void uart_half_duplex(server interface uart_tx_buffered_if i_tx,
                      server interface uart_rx_if i_rx,
                      server interface uart_control_if i_control,
                      server interface uart_config_if ?i_config,
                      const static unsigned tx_buf_length,
                      const static unsigned rx_buf_length,
                      unsigned baud,
                      uart_parity_t parity,
                      unsigned bits_per_byte,
                      unsigned stop_bits,
                      port p_uart);

/*---------------------- Multi-UART API ---------------------------*/

typedef enum multi_uart_read_result_t {
  UART_RX_VALID_DATA,   ///< Data received is valid.
  UART_RX_INVALID_DATA  ///< Data received is not valid.
} multi_uart_read_result_t;

/** Multi-UART receive interface */
interface multi_uart_rx_if {

  /** Initialize the multi-UART RX component.
   *  \param   c    The chanend connected to the multi-UART RX task
  void init(streaming chanend c);

  /** Read a byte for the next UART with ready data.
   *  This function will read out a byte from the next UART with data available.
   *  If several UARTS have data available then the data is read out in a
   *  round-robin fashion.
   *  \param  index        This index of the UART to read from.
   *  \param  data         The data byte read
   *  \returns             An enum type that indicates if the data is valid
  enum multi_uart_read_result_t read(size_t index, uint8_t &data);

  /** Pause the multi-UART RX component for reconfiguration.
   *  This call will stop the mulit-UART component so that the UARTs can be
   *  reconfigured.
  void pause();

  /** Restart the multi-UART RX component after reconfiguration.
   *  This call will restart the multi-UART component.
  void restart();

  /** Set the baud rate of a UART.
   *  This call will set the baud rate of one of the UARTs.
   *  The rate must be a divisor of the clock rate of the underlying
   *  clock used for the component.
   *  \param   index       The index of the UART to configure.
   *  \param   baud_rate   The required baud rate
  void set_baud_rate(size_t index, unsigned baud_rate);

  /** Set parity of a UART.
   *  This call will set the parity of one of the UARTs.
   *  The rate must be a divisor of the clock rate of the underlying
   *  clock used for the component.
   *  \param   index       The index of the UART to configure.
   *  \param   parity      The required parity
  void set_parity(size_t index, enum uart_parity_t parity);

  /** Set the number of stop bits of a UART.
   *  This call will set the number of stop bits of one of the UARTs.
   *  \param   index       The index of the UART
   *  \param   stop_bits   The number of stop bits (0,1 or 2)
  void set_stop_bits(size_t index, unsigned stop_bits);

  /** Set the number of bit per byte of a UART.
   *  This call will set the number of stop bits of one of the UARTs.
   *  \param   index       The index of the UART
   *  \param   bpb         The number of bits per byte (5,6,7 or 8)
  void set_bits_per_byte(size_t index, unsigned bpb);
} [[sametile]];

typedef interface multi_uart_rx_if multi_uart_rx_if;

#pragma select handler
inline void multi_uart_data_ready(streaming chanend c_rx, size_t &index);

/** Multi-UART receiver.
 *  This function implements multiple UART receivers on a multi-bit port. The
 *  UARTS all have the same baud rate.
 *  The parity, bits per byte and number of stop bits
 *  is the same for all UARTs and cannot be changed dynamically.
 *  \param  c               a chanend used internally for high speed communication
 *  \param  i               the interface for getting data from the task.
 *  \param  p               the multibit port.
 *  \param  clk             a clock block for the component to use. This needs
 *                          to be set to run of the reference clock (the default
 *                          state for clock blocks).
 *  \param  num_uarts       the number of uarts to run (must be less than or
 *                          equal to the width of \p)
 *  \param  clock_rate_hz   the clock rate in Hz
 *  \param  baud            baud rate.
 *  \param  parity          the parity of the UART.
 *  \param  bits_per_byte   bits per byte.
 *  \param  stop_bits       number of stop bits.
void multi_uart_rx(streaming chanend c,
                   server interface multi_uart_rx_if i,
                   in buffered port:32 p, clock clk,
                   size_t num_uarts,
                   unsigned clock_rate_hz,
                   unsigned baud,
                   enum uart_parity_t parity,
                   unsigned bits_per_byte,
                   unsigned stop_bits);

/** Multi-UART transmit interface */
interface multi_uart_tx_if {

  /** Initialize the multi-UART TX component.
   *  \param   c    The chanend connected to the multi-UART TX task
  void init(chanend c);

  /** Check whether transmit slot is free.
   *  This function checks whether the application can write data to
   *  a specific UART.
   *  \param  index     The index of the UART to check.
   *  \returns          non-zero if the slot is free (i.e. data can be sent).
  int is_slot_free(size_t index);

  /** Write to a UART.
   *  This function writes a byte of data to a UART. This byte will be buffered
   *  to send. If the transmit buffer for
   *  that UART is not available then the data is ignored (use
   *  is_tx_slot_free() to determine availability).
   *  \param  index      The index of the UART to write to.
   *  \param  data       The data to write.
  void write(size_t index, uint8_t data);

  /** Pause the multi-UART RX component for reconfiguration.
   *  This call will stop the mulit-UART component so that the UARTs can be
   *  reconfigured.
  void pause();

  /** Restart the multi-UART RX component after reconfiguration.
   *  This call will restart the multi-UART component.
  void restart();

  /** Set the baud rate of a UART.
   *  This call will set the baud rate of one of the UARTs.
   *  The rate must be a divisor of the clock rate of the underlying
   *  clock used for the component.
   *  \param   index       The index of the UART to configure.
   *  \param   baud_rate   The required baud rate
  void set_baud_rate(size_t index, unsigned baud_rate);

  /** Set parity of a UART.
   *  This call will set the parity of one of the UARTs.
   *  The rate must be a divisor of the clock rate of the underlying
   *  clock used for the component.
   *  \param   index       The index of the UART to configure.
   *  \param   parity      The required parity
  void set_parity(size_t index, enum uart_parity_t parity);

  /** Set the number of stop bits of a UART.
   *  This call will set the number of stop bits of one of the UARTs.
   *  \param   index       The index of the UART
   *  \param   stop_bits   The number of stop bits (0,1 or 2)
  void set_stop_bits(size_t index, unsigned stop_bits);

  /** Set the number of bit per byte of a UART.
   *  This call will set the number of stop bits of one of the UARTs.
   *  \param   index       The index of the UART
   *  \param   bpb         The number of bits per byte (5,6,7 or 8)
  void set_bits_per_byte(size_t index, unsigned bpb);
} [[sametile]];

typedef interface multi_uart_tx_if multi_uart_tx_if;

/** Multi-UART transmitter.
 *  This function implements multiple UART transmiiters on a multi-bit port. The
 *  UARTS all have the same baud rate.
 *  The parity, bits per byte and number of stop bits
 *  is the same for all UARTs and cannot be changed dynamically.
 *  \param  c               a chanend used internally for high speed communication
 *  \param  i               the interface for sending data to the task.
 *  \param  p               the multibit port.
 *  \param  num_uarts       the number of uarts to run (must be less than or
 *                          equal to the width of \p)
 *  \param  clock_rate_hz   the clock rate in Hz
 *  \param  baud            baud rate.
 *  \param  parity          the parity of the UART.
 *  \param  bits_per_byte   bits per byte.
 *  \param  stop_bits       number of stop bits.
void multi_uart_tx(chanend c,
                   server interface multi_uart_tx_if i,
                   out port p,
                   size_t num_uarts,
                   unsigned clock_rate_hz,
                   unsigned baud,
                   uart_parity_t parity,
                   unsigned bits_per_byte,
                   unsigned stop_bits);

#include "multi_uart_impl.h"

#endif // __XC__

#endif /* _uart_h_ */
Last edited by mozcelikors on Sat May 07, 2016 9:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by mozcelikors »

And this is the transmitter demo, if the delay between chars sent are below 200ms, there is always some data missing. Please help me here..

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void setup() {

void loop() {

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Post by mon2 »

Are you sending and receiving on the same XMOS component ? Assuming you are...

How is your printf configured ?

Review this document on how to debug with printf. Also consider to remove printf for testing which most likely is your bottleneck. ... nent=14774
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Post by mozcelikors »

printf is from debugging guide.I will try to remove it and give it a try. Hopefully it works.
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Post by mozcelikors »

Without printf, there are significant improvements definitely. So thank you for that. Now I can have 50ms delay between chars and it is fine.

But now, is it possible to get the entire line from xCORE if I send


from Arduino.

Thanks again, hoping to hear from you.
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Post by mon2 »

Glad to hear your code and latency are improving. Still believe there is a lot going on inside the posted code. Keep in mind that these are software UARTs running on very fast CPU logic cores. For this reason, you must review each piece of the code to remove any bottle necks. For example, the select is still being used. If you can spare the extra logical CPU core, consider to dedicate the CPU core for only RX function. This way, you will not lose any such data from the outside world. Also recommend a buffered RX for the UART implementation if you have not done so already.

To test this point, try the following idea:

Code: Select all

        case uart_rx.data_ready(): //Read when data is available

           // block read a fixed # of bytes from the Arduino - be sure to send the same # of bytes :)
            data1 =;
            data2 =;
            data3 =;
            dataN =; // where N = size of the string you are sending from the Arduino side
            // now proceed to check the integrity of the received bytes
            // this is only a test to validate that no delays should be required between the send & receive sides
and remove the 50 ms delay between the Arduino sends and test out this idea. There should be no reason to insert any such delays between the send and receive sides. The XMOS device is very very fast and ample fast enough to support 115200 bps. The same architecture is supporting USB, Ethernet (10, 100 and gigabit) and for us, we are experimenting with optical methods of transmit / receive of high speed dataa for galvanic isolation for industrial markets. A key feature feature of the XMOS processors is that it is software defined so it is broken, just re-code till you have it right :) The pain and fun is in the learning about the unique features of XMOS and the toolchain.
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Post by mozcelikors »

I am afraid I tried both earlier and it did not work.

And as I said, the code is taken from the API, but the API code does not work, unless I am missing something. Because the select should act as an event selector (or interrupt) so whenever data is ready, I should be able to get it, in whichever position it is. Like other microcontrollers. Furthermore, no line reading function is not given in API so that leaves me with very few options.
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Post by mon2 »

Try the following:

Insert the posted code for the RX UART support and see if this code is able to receive your transmitted data ok for a single character and then test against the entire string of data.

The best idea is to apply these routines into their own logical CPU so there is no interruption.

Also suggest to implement this code as-is with the XMOS sending and XMOS receiving to validate the code is functional.