I've tried your solution of putting the receiver on a core ( I have to use receiver constantly on xcore), but it didn't make a difference.
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// Copyright (c) 2016, XMOS Ltd, All rights reserved
#ifndef _uart_h_
#define _uart_h_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <xs1.h>
#include <gpio.h>
#ifdef __XC__
/** Type representing the parity of a UART */
typedef enum uart_parity_t {
UART_PARITY_EVEN = 0, ///< Even parity.
UART_PARITY_ODD = 1, ///< Odd parity.
UART_PARITY_NONE ///< No parity.
} uart_parity_t;
/** UART configuration interface.
* This interface enables dynamic reconfiguration of a UART. It is used by
* several UART components to provide a method of configuration.
typedef interface uart_config_if {
/** Set the baud rate of a UART.
void set_baud_rate(unsigned baud_rate);
/** Set the parity of a UART.
void set_parity(enum uart_parity_t parity);
/** Set number of stop bits used by a UART.
void set_stop_bits(unsigned stop_bits);
/** Set number of bits per byte used by a UART.
void set_bits_per_byte(unsigned bpb);
} uart_config_if;
/*---------------------- Receiver API ---------------------------*/
/** UART RX interface.
* This interface provides clients access to buffer uart receive
* functionality.
typedef interface uart_rx_if {
/** Get a byte from the receive buffer.
* This function should be called after receiving a data_ready()
* notification. If these is no data in the buffer (for example, this
* function is called before receiving a notification) then the return
* value is undefined.
[[clears_notification]] uint8_t read(void);
/** Notification that data is in the receive buffer.
* This notification function can be selected on by the client and
* will event when the is data in the receive buffer. After this
* notification the client should call the read() function.
[[notification]] slave void data_ready(void);
/** Returns whether there is data in the buffer.
int has_data();
} uart_rx_if;
extends client interface uart_rx_if : {
/** Get a byte from the receive buffer.
* This function will wait until there is data in the receive buffer
* of the uart and then fetch that data. On getting the data, it
* will clear the notification flag on the interface.
inline uint8_t wait_for_data_and_read(client uart_rx_if i) {
if (!i.has_data()) {
select {
case i.data_ready():
return i.read();
/** UART RX.
* This function runs a uart receiver.
* Bytes received by the this task are buffered.
* When the buffer is full further incoming bytes of data will be dropped.
* The function never returns and will run indefinitely.
* \param i_data the interface connection allowing clients to
* receive data
* \param i_config the interface connection allowing clients to
* reconfigure the UART
* \param buffer_size the size of the buffer
* \param baud the initial baud rate
* \param parity the intiial parity setting
* \param bits_per_byte the initial number of bits per byte
* \param stop_bits the intiial number of stop bits
* \param p_rxd the gpio interface to input data on
void uart_rx(server interface uart_rx_if i_data,
server interface uart_config_if ?i_config,
const static unsigned buffer_size,
unsigned baud,
enum uart_parity_t parity,
unsigned bits_per_byte,
unsigned stop_bits,
client input_gpio_if p_rxd);
/** Fast/Streaming UART RX.
* This function implements a fast UART. The UART configuration is
* fixed to a single start bit, 8 bits per byte, and a single stop bit.
* On a 62.5 MIPS thread this function should be able to keep up with a 10
* MBit UART sustained (provided that the streaming channel can keep up
* with it too).
* This function does not return.
* \param p input port, 1 bit port on which data comes in.
* \param c output streaming channel to connect to the application.
* \param ticks_per_bit number of clock ticks between bits.
* This number depends on the clock that is
* attached to port p. If it is the
* 100 Mhz reference clock then this value
* should be at least 10.
void uart_rx_streaming(in port p, streaming chanend c, int ticks_per_bit);
/** Receive a byte from a streaming UART receiver.
* This function receives a byte from the fast/streaming UART component. It is
* "select handler" so can be used within a select e.g.
uint8_t byte;
size_t index;
select {
case uart_rx_streaming_receive_byte(c, byte):
// use sample and index here...
* The case in this select will fire when the UART component has data ready.
* \param c chanend connected to the streaming UART receiver component
* \param data This reference parameter gets set with the incoming
* data
#pragma select handler
void uart_rx_streaming_read_byte(streaming chanend c, uint8_t &data);
/*---------------------- Transmitter API ---------------------------*/
/** UART transmit interface.
* This interface provides functions for transmitting data on an
* unbuffered UART.
typedef interface uart_tx_if {
/** Write a byte to a UART.
* This function writes a byte of data to a UART. It will output
* immediately and block until the data is output.
* \param data The data to write.
void write(uint8_t data);
} uart_tx_if;
/** UART transmitter.
* This function implements an unbuffered UART transmitter.
* \param i_data interface enabling client to send data.
* \param i_config interface enabling client to configure the UART.
* \param baud the initial baud rate.
* \param parity the intiial parity setting.
* \param bits_per_byte the initial number of bits per byte.
* \param stop_bits the intiial number of stop bits.
* \param p_txd the gpio interface to output data on.
void uart_tx(server interface uart_tx_if i_data,
server interface uart_config_if ?i_config,
unsigned baud,
uart_parity_t parity,
unsigned bits_per_byte,
unsigned stop_bits,
client output_gpio_if p_txd);
/** UART transmit interface (buffered).
* This interface contains functions to write to a buffered UART and
* manage the buffering.
typedef interface uart_tx_buffered_if {
/** Write a byte to a UART.
* This function writes a byte of data to a UART. It will place the
* data in the output buffer queue to write and then return. If the
* buffer is full then the data is discarded.
* \param data The data to write.
* \returns non-zero if the write was succesfully. If the buffer was
* full then the function will return zero.
int write(uint8_t data);
/** Ready to transmit notification.
* This notification will occur when the UART is ready to transmit (either
* intially or after a write() call when there is space in the buffer).
slave void ready_to_transmit(void);
/** Get avaiable buffer size.
* This function returns the number of bytes remaining in the buffer that
* can be filled by write() calls.
size_t get_available_buffer_size(void);
} uart_tx_buffered_if;
/** UART transmitter (buffered).
* This function implements a UART transmitter. Data sent to the task will
* be placed in a buffer and sent at the rate of the UART.
* \param i_data interface enabling client to send data.
* \param i_config interface enabling client to configure the UART.
* \param buffer_size the size of the transmit buffer in bytes.
* \param baud the initial baud rate.
* \param parity the intiial parity setting.
* \param bits_per_byte the initial number of bits per byte.
* \param stop_bits the intiial number of stop bits.
* \param p_txd the gpio interface to output data on.
void uart_tx_buffered(server interface uart_tx_buffered_if i_data,
server interface uart_config_if ?i_config,
const static unsigned buffer_size,
unsigned baud,
uart_parity_t parity,
unsigned bits_per_byte,
unsigned stop_bits,
client output_gpio_if p_txd);
/** Fast/Streaming UART TX.
* This function implements a fast UART transmitter.
* It needs an unbuffered 1-bit
* port, a streaming channel end, and a number of port-clocks to wait
* between bits. It receives a start bit, 8 bits, and a stop bit, and
* transmits the 8 bits over the streaming channel end as a single token.
* On a 62.5 MIPS thread this function should be able to keep up with a 10
* MBit UART sustained (provided that the streaming channel can keep up
* with it too).
* This function does not return.
* \param p input port, 1 bit port on which data comes in.
* \param c output streaming channel to connect to the application.
* \param ticks_per_bit number of clock ticks between bits.
* This number depends on the clock that is
* attached to port p. If it is the
* 100 Mhz reference clock then this value
* should be at least 10.
void uart_tx_streaming(out port p, streaming chanend c, int ticks_per_bit);
/** Write a byte to a streaming UART transmitter.
* This function writes a
* \param c chanend connected to the streaming UART Tx component
* \param data The data to send.
void uart_tx_streaming_write_byte(streaming chanend c, uint8_t data);
/*---------------------- Half Duplex API ---------------------------*/
/** Type representing the mode (direction) of a uart. */
typedef enum uart_half_duplex_mode_t {
UART_RX_MODE, ///< Uart is in receive mode.
UART_TX_MODE ///< Uart is in transmit mode.
} uart_half_duplex_mode_t;
/** Interface to control the mode of a half-duplex UART */
typedef interface uart_control_if {
/** Set the mode of the UART.
* This function can be used to control whether the UART is in send or
* receive mode.
void set_mode(uart_half_duplex_mode_t mode);
} uart_control_if;
/** Half duplex UART.
* This function implements a UART that can either transmit or receive on
* the same wire. The application explicitly control whether the component
* is in transmit or receive mode.
* \param i_tx interface for transmitting data.
* \param i_rx interface for receiving data.
* \param i_control interface for controlling the direction of the UART.
* \param i_config interface for configuring the UART.
* \param tx_buf_length the size of the transmit buffer (in bytes).
* \param rx_buf_length the size of the receive buffer (in bytes).
* \param baud baud rate.
* \param parity the parity of the UART.
* \param bits_per_byte bits per byte.
* \param stop_bits The number of stop bits (0,1 or 2)
* \param p_uart the 1-bit port to send/recieve the UART signals.
void uart_half_duplex(server interface uart_tx_buffered_if i_tx,
server interface uart_rx_if i_rx,
server interface uart_control_if i_control,
server interface uart_config_if ?i_config,
const static unsigned tx_buf_length,
const static unsigned rx_buf_length,
unsigned baud,
uart_parity_t parity,
unsigned bits_per_byte,
unsigned stop_bits,
port p_uart);
/*---------------------- Multi-UART API ---------------------------*/
typedef enum multi_uart_read_result_t {
UART_RX_VALID_DATA, ///< Data received is valid.
UART_RX_INVALID_DATA ///< Data received is not valid.
} multi_uart_read_result_t;
/** Multi-UART receive interface */
interface multi_uart_rx_if {
/** Initialize the multi-UART RX component.
* \param c The chanend connected to the multi-UART RX task
void init(streaming chanend c);
/** Read a byte for the next UART with ready data.
* This function will read out a byte from the next UART with data available.
* If several UARTS have data available then the data is read out in a
* round-robin fashion.
* \param index This index of the UART to read from.
* \param data The data byte read
* \returns An enum type that indicates if the data is valid
enum multi_uart_read_result_t read(size_t index, uint8_t &data);
/** Pause the multi-UART RX component for reconfiguration.
* This call will stop the mulit-UART component so that the UARTs can be
* reconfigured.
void pause();
/** Restart the multi-UART RX component after reconfiguration.
* This call will restart the multi-UART component.
void restart();
/** Set the baud rate of a UART.
* This call will set the baud rate of one of the UARTs.
* The rate must be a divisor of the clock rate of the underlying
* clock used for the component.
* \param index The index of the UART to configure.
* \param baud_rate The required baud rate
void set_baud_rate(size_t index, unsigned baud_rate);
/** Set parity of a UART.
* This call will set the parity of one of the UARTs.
* The rate must be a divisor of the clock rate of the underlying
* clock used for the component.
* \param index The index of the UART to configure.
* \param parity The required parity
void set_parity(size_t index, enum uart_parity_t parity);
/** Set the number of stop bits of a UART.
* This call will set the number of stop bits of one of the UARTs.
* \param index The index of the UART
* \param stop_bits The number of stop bits (0,1 or 2)
void set_stop_bits(size_t index, unsigned stop_bits);
/** Set the number of bit per byte of a UART.
* This call will set the number of stop bits of one of the UARTs.
* \param index The index of the UART
* \param bpb The number of bits per byte (5,6,7 or 8)
void set_bits_per_byte(size_t index, unsigned bpb);
} [[sametile]];
typedef interface multi_uart_rx_if multi_uart_rx_if;
#pragma select handler
inline void multi_uart_data_ready(streaming chanend c_rx, size_t &index);
/** Multi-UART receiver.
* This function implements multiple UART receivers on a multi-bit port. The
* UARTS all have the same baud rate.
* The parity, bits per byte and number of stop bits
* is the same for all UARTs and cannot be changed dynamically.
* \param c a chanend used internally for high speed communication
* \param i the interface for getting data from the task.
* \param p the multibit port.
* \param clk a clock block for the component to use. This needs
* to be set to run of the reference clock (the default
* state for clock blocks).
* \param num_uarts the number of uarts to run (must be less than or
* equal to the width of \p)
* \param clock_rate_hz the clock rate in Hz
* \param baud baud rate.
* \param parity the parity of the UART.
* \param bits_per_byte bits per byte.
* \param stop_bits number of stop bits.
void multi_uart_rx(streaming chanend c,
server interface multi_uart_rx_if i,
in buffered port:32 p, clock clk,
size_t num_uarts,
unsigned clock_rate_hz,
unsigned baud,
enum uart_parity_t parity,
unsigned bits_per_byte,
unsigned stop_bits);
/** Multi-UART transmit interface */
interface multi_uart_tx_if {
/** Initialize the multi-UART TX component.
* \param c The chanend connected to the multi-UART TX task
void init(chanend c);
/** Check whether transmit slot is free.
* This function checks whether the application can write data to
* a specific UART.
* \param index The index of the UART to check.
* \returns non-zero if the slot is free (i.e. data can be sent).
int is_slot_free(size_t index);
/** Write to a UART.
* This function writes a byte of data to a UART. This byte will be buffered
* to send. If the transmit buffer for
* that UART is not available then the data is ignored (use
* is_tx_slot_free() to determine availability).
* \param index The index of the UART to write to.
* \param data The data to write.
void write(size_t index, uint8_t data);
/** Pause the multi-UART RX component for reconfiguration.
* This call will stop the mulit-UART component so that the UARTs can be
* reconfigured.
void pause();
/** Restart the multi-UART RX component after reconfiguration.
* This call will restart the multi-UART component.
void restart();
/** Set the baud rate of a UART.
* This call will set the baud rate of one of the UARTs.
* The rate must be a divisor of the clock rate of the underlying
* clock used for the component.
* \param index The index of the UART to configure.
* \param baud_rate The required baud rate
void set_baud_rate(size_t index, unsigned baud_rate);
/** Set parity of a UART.
* This call will set the parity of one of the UARTs.
* The rate must be a divisor of the clock rate of the underlying
* clock used for the component.
* \param index The index of the UART to configure.
* \param parity The required parity
void set_parity(size_t index, enum uart_parity_t parity);
/** Set the number of stop bits of a UART.
* This call will set the number of stop bits of one of the UARTs.
* \param index The index of the UART
* \param stop_bits The number of stop bits (0,1 or 2)
void set_stop_bits(size_t index, unsigned stop_bits);
/** Set the number of bit per byte of a UART.
* This call will set the number of stop bits of one of the UARTs.
* \param index The index of the UART
* \param bpb The number of bits per byte (5,6,7 or 8)
void set_bits_per_byte(size_t index, unsigned bpb);
} [[sametile]];
typedef interface multi_uart_tx_if multi_uart_tx_if;
/** Multi-UART transmitter.
* This function implements multiple UART transmiiters on a multi-bit port. The
* UARTS all have the same baud rate.
* The parity, bits per byte and number of stop bits
* is the same for all UARTs and cannot be changed dynamically.
* \param c a chanend used internally for high speed communication
* \param i the interface for sending data to the task.
* \param p the multibit port.
* \param num_uarts the number of uarts to run (must be less than or
* equal to the width of \p)
* \param clock_rate_hz the clock rate in Hz
* \param baud baud rate.
* \param parity the parity of the UART.
* \param bits_per_byte bits per byte.
* \param stop_bits number of stop bits.
void multi_uart_tx(chanend c,
server interface multi_uart_tx_if i,
out port p,
size_t num_uarts,
unsigned clock_rate_hz,
unsigned baud,
uart_parity_t parity,
unsigned bits_per_byte,
unsigned stop_bits);
#include "multi_uart_impl.h"
#endif // __XC__
#endif /* _uart_h_ */