xTIMEcomposer 14.2.4 available on xmos.com

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xTIMEcomposer 14.2.4 available on xmos.com

Post by huw »


Resolves the following issues:

xmapper/linker: The nodes in config.xml will now be assigned the correct routing id's for XS2 devices.

xC compilation: Alias checking bounds fixed, when passing pointer to array parameter

OTP programming: XBURN will now patch in all of the correct xLINKs to the secure boot from channels bootloader.

Simulator: Will only reset an XS2 device if bit 31 of the pll value is clear, matching the behaviour of the hardware.

xTIMEcomposer Studio: Fixed null pointer exception when doing timing analysis on binaries not within the project.

Flash programming:
* xLINKs are configured in slow mode when enabling the network prior to the slave node PLL registers being programmed.
* Fixed routing IDs when the final user defined network were not assigned to the correct nodes.
* SwitchSetup code no longer says hello on an xLINK during the first pass of Link Config, so links not left in an undefined state during boot.

Please see release notes for full details:

https://www.xmos.com/published/tools-re ... ver=latest
https://www.xmos.com/published/tools-re ... ver=latest

