Analogue Motor Control Slice

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Analogue Motor Control Slice

Post by TSC »

Version: 1
Status: Complete
License: MIT
Download: /files/project_builds/Motor Slice

This Slice is intended to interface with two RHINO DS52K, DS72K, DS72KA, DS112K or DS162K motor drivers and two Avago HEDS rotary encoders. The Slice is used on a large tank-like robot weighing over 100 kg.

RHINO motor drivers accept analogue input for speed control in the form of a potentiometer. This Slice emulates two potentiometers using an Analog Devices AD5235 dual-channel SPI-controlled digital potentiometer. Because HEDS encoders output at 5V levels, a TXB0108 level translator is used to convert the encoder signals to 3.3 V level.
The "Speed Reset" switch connects to the digital potentiometer and returns the RDACs to neutral position.
The two encoder ports and two RHINO ports all use RJ-45 jacks.

This Slice uses the sc_spi software component available from GitHub and a yet to be released PID software component written by the author of this project.

The attached ZIP file includes:

Altium schematics and PCB doc
Schematics (PDF)
PCB CAD image (PDF)

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Post by katokwa »

A typical servo consists of a small electric motor driving a train of reduction gears. - Review Solution