The USB Audio 2.0 Group

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The USB Audio 2.0 Group

Post by lilltroll »

I have been contacted by many who have bought the USB Audio 2.0 Reference card or is thinking about buying it.

Most people seems to have trouble getting started writing code for it - and very few just bought it to only have it as a standard stereo USB-soundcard.

It doesn't have buffered outputs so you cannot even connect headphones to it and listen to music, since the CODEC output should not be loaded below 10 kOhms - at least not under 3 kOhms.
I hereby start this group to make it easier to share knowledge around the card and the software.
So if you have the card or if you are thinking of buing one - welcome to this group!
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Post by lilltroll »

NEW: The new license model seems to have been released from XMOS.
It seems to be L series chip with the name extension THS:
"Thesycon USB Audio Class 2.0 Production Driver
Full version of Windows driver with customization kit.
Requires purchase of XMOS/Thesycon XS1-L device bundle product (e.g. XS1-L02A-QF124-C4-THS)"

Pay per chip seems to be the thing.
Awaiting some more Public information regarding this matter.


I have been in contact with TheSycon, the company that made the USB 2.0 driver for Windows.

Anyone who wants to know more about the license regarding the driver for commercial use can contact me, and get a copy of the pdf and contact info.
(I'm have agreed to not post it in Public on the web.)

Edit: The "old" license model is out of date.
TheSycon/XMOS will release a new solution regarding driver licenses in the near future.

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Post by lilltroll »

Code without modification

Stack available: 000092d4, used: 00002c7c . OKAY
Threads available: 8, used: 7 . OKAY
Timers available: 10, used: 6 . OKAY
Chanends available: 32, used: 20 . OKAY
Constraints checks PASSED.

12 free channel ends available :)
Turn off S/PDIF and you have 2 free threads in total.

Stack available: 0000a0ac, used: 0000281c . OKAY
Threads available: 8, used: 6 . OKAY
Timers available: 10, used: 6 . OKAY
Chanends available: 32, used: 20 . OKAY

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Post by bearcat »

If you have tried the version 1.5 software in the new tools release (10.4), you will find a few errors. XMOS is going to be updating the reference to work with the new tools. I have not heard any specific release date or timeframe (other than soon).
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Post by Light »

Hi, need some experience here.
I tried to use Hardware design file on the web for DxDesigner. When I open the project,
software report missing following files...
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\Discretes
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\IC_Memory
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\Connector
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\Special
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\IC_Voltage
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\Development
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\IC_XMOS
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\IC_General
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\IC_Analogue
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\IC_Logic
Invalid library path: Y:\Boards\PADS\Libraries\Symbols\Switch

Anyone know where to file it?
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Post by bearcat »

The new multi channel Audio design uses the two core L2. The soon to be released firmware has code to buffer samples between two cores via an XLINK. Those designing with multi core ambitions, will want to get the new reference design, or get the new firmware.
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Post by mauro »

I am experimenting with an XS1-L1 reference design under Windows. I installed the thesycon drivers and all audio related works fine.
I would like also to access, through USB, the on board I/O available (two pushbuttons and two leds); to do this do I need a dedicated driver?
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Post by Light »

Several days ago, I found a new version of firmware 1.7.1 on my account and download it.
Several good changes made but some strange codes inside too. Already mail to support of XMOS about the question.

But today, I log-in, found the new version is GONE. There only has version 1.7 there (but the file date is new though)

Did I accidentally download a ghost version? puzzled...

Any one knows the answer?
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Post by lilltroll »

Constraint check for node 0, core 0:
Stack available: 00003634, used: 00002f30 . OKAY
Threads available: 8, used: 7 . OKAY
Timers available: 10, used: 8 . OKAY
Chanends available: 32, used: 28 . OKAY
Constraints checks PASSED.
Probably not the most confused programmer anymore on the XCORE forum.
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Post by lilltroll »

Has anyone made a MOQ purchase to get Thesycon Production driver ??

I'm interested to know what comes with Thesycon USB Audio Class 2.0 Production Driver, Full version of Windows driver with customization kit.

What exactly is the customization kit ?
Probably not the most confused programmer anymore on the XCORE forum.