AVS Focal Vision Starter Kit | Trigger word and best microphone Setting for the Trigger word

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AVS Focal Vision Starter Kit | Trigger word and best microphone Setting for the Trigger word

Post by DDMW »


i want to use the trigger word in the AVS kit but it is not activaded.

How can I activate that?

I also want to know the microphone Setting for the best recognition with the Trigger word.

What microphone Setting should i use for the Trigger?

Thanks for answer

Best regards,

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Post by infiniteimprobability »

the keyword activation (wake word) in the AVS kit setup is done on the RPI in the AVS sample app. It *should* be enabled by default..

Are you able to record and playback audio OK using arecord and aplay? This will check to see if you have an audio path working..

You shouldn't need to change any settings - the Vocalfusion IP is pretty tolerant to levels and changing conditions by design. You can change individual parameters if you wish however, which is sometimes handy when you build your own product:

https://www.xmos.com/download/private/s ... rc5%29.pdf
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