Building spdif_rx for xcore-200 mc audio

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Building spdif_rx for xcore-200 mc audio

Post by alexjaw »

Hi all,
Starting to learn xmos and xcore-200 programming, which will be used for a sound card with multiple in and outputs. Have read through the Design Guide and successfully tested the app_usb_aud_xk_216_mc with the default Build Configuration. Now trying to do the same with the pre-defined build 2i10o10xssxxx, i.e. with spdif tx and rx enabled. However, I can't get any signal out on the analog 3.5mm outputs. I have verified that I have digital signal in from spdif coax (as well as optical). USB works fine as before. What am I doing wrong?

(I have also successfully tested AN00231_ASRC_SPDIF_TO_DAC.)
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