I have made a board with the XUF216-512 processor. It is booting fine and I can run programs on it using JTag as target I/O option. But when I try to run code with xScope target I/O option, it seems like the program gets stuck right at the very beginning. I am interfacing the board with the XTag 3 and a xSys header with link 0 (X0D40...X0D43) connected to pins 118,14,10,6 of the header. I haven't used 33 Ohm resistors at the transmitter. I have attached my target file. Any ideas where the problem is?
Thank you :-)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Network xmlns="http://www.xmos.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.xmos.com http://www.xmos.com" > <Type>Device</Type> <Name>XUF216-512-TQ128-C20 Device</Name> <Declarations> <Declaration>tileref tile[2]</Declaration> <Declaration>tileref usb_tile</Declaration> </Declarations> <Packages> <Package id="0" Type="XS2-UFnA-512-TQ128"> <Nodes> <Node Id="0" InPackageId="0" Type="XS2-L16A-512" SystemFrequency="500MHz" Oscillator="24MHz" RoutingId="0x8000"> <Boot> <Source Location="bootFlash"/> </Boot> <Tile Number="0" Reference="tile[0]"> <Port Location="XS1_PORT_1B" Name="PORT_SQI_CS"/> <Port Location="XS1_PORT_1C" Name="PORT_SQI_SCLK"/> <Port Location="XS1_PORT_4B" Name="PORT_SQI_SIO"/> </Tile> <RoutingTable> <Bits> <Bit number="0" direction="0"/> <Bit number="15" direction="0"/> </Bits> <Links> <Link name="XL0" direction="0"/> </Links> </RoutingTable> <Tile Number="1" Reference="tile[1]"/> </Node> </Nodes> <Links> </Links> </Package> </Packages> <ExternalDevices> <Device NodeId="0" Tile="0" Class="SQIFlash" Name="bootFlash"> <Attribute Name="PORT_SQI_CS" Value="PORT_SQI_CS"/> <Attribute Name="PORT_SQI_SCLK" Value="PORT_SQI_SCLK"/> <Attribute Name="PORT_SQI_SIO" Value="PORT_SQI_SIO"/> </Device> </ExternalDevices> <Nodes> <Node Id="1" Type="device:" routingId="0x8001" Reference="xscope_tile"> <Service Id="0" Proto="xscope_host_data(chanend c);"> <Chanend Identifier="c" end="3"/> </Service> </Node> </Nodes> <Links> <Link Encoding="2wire" Delays="4,4" Flags="XSCOPE"> <LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="XL0"/> <LinkEndpoint NodeId="1" Chanend="1"/> </Link> </Links> <JTAGChain> <JTAGDevice NodeId="0"/> </JTAGChain> </Network>