Dear all,
In order to drive external DAC board, which required TDM16 (16 channels) LRCLK HIGH WIDTH more than one BCLK,
I'd tried to add LRCLK High width, change the following yellow code from 0x80000000 to 0xF0000000 (can add 3 BCLKs width) in audio.xc
but we can't loopback audio data from audio in 1 port to audio out 1 port on demo board(XCORE-200 MC AUDIO), ( if setting to p_lrclk <: 0x80000000; it can loopback).
if set to 0x80000000, please check work_well.png
set 0 0xf0000000 ,plese review work_wrong.png
would you please give us some suggestions about it?
what shall i do if want to meet this project requiremet?
#if (I2S_CHANS_ADC != 0)
index = 0;
/* Channels 0, 2, 4.. on each line */
#pragma loop unroll
for(int i = 0; i < I2S_CHANS_ADC; i += I2S_CHANS_PER_FRAME)
/* Manual IN instruction since compiler generates an extra setc per IN (bug #15256) */
unsigned sample;
asm volatile("in %0, res[%1]" : "=r"(sample) : "r"(p_i2s_adc[index++]));
samplesIn_1[((frameCount-1)&(I2S_CHANS_PER_FRAME-1))+i] = bitrev(sample); // channels 1, 3, 5.. on each line.
samplesIn_0[((frameCount-1)&(I2S_CHANS_PER_FRAME-1))+i] = bitrev(sample); // channels 1, 3, 5.. on each line.
unsigned x;
x = inuint(c_adc);
asm volatile("stw %0, dp[g_adcVal]"::"r"(x));
#ifdef I2S_MODE_TDM
if(frameCount == (I2S_CHANS_PER_FRAME-2))
// p_lrclk <: 0x80000000;
p_lrclk <: 0xc0000000;
p_lrclk <: 0x00000000;
p_lrclk <: 0x7FFFFFFF;
index = 0;
#pragma xta endpoint "i2s_output_r"
#if (I2S_CHANS_DAC != 0) && (NUM_USB_CHAN_OUT != 0)
/* Output "odd" channel to DAC (i.e. right) */
#pragma loop unroll
for(int i = 1; i < I2S_CHANS_DAC; i+=I2S_CHANS_PER_FRAME)
p_i2s_dac[index++] <: bitrev(samplesOut[frameCount + i]);
Add LRCLK High width issue in TDM Topic is solved
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- Posts: 45
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Add LRCLK High width issue in TDM
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- Active Member
- Posts: 45
- Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:00 am
this issue is caused by DAC can't decode audio data correctly, because TDM LRCLK high width is increased, but DAC can't configure it.
so change it to solved.
so change it to solved.