Detecting vbus/USB disconnect xCORE-200-MC-AUDIO

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Detecting vbus/USB disconnect xCORE-200-MC-AUDIO

Post by jsaksris »

What would be the best practice to detect USB disconnect?

I have tried to access the flags/port in XUD_Ports.xc but
xc would gives an error of violates parallel usage rules

afformentioned ports.

in port flag0_port = PORT_USB_FLAG0;
in port flag1_port = PORT_USB_FLAG1;
in port flag2_port = PORT_USB_FLAG2;


in buffered port:32 p_usb_clk = on USB_TILE : XS1_PORT_1J;
out buffered port:32 p_usb_txd = on USB_TILE : XS1_PORT_8A;
in buffered port:32 p_usb_rxd = on USB_TILE : XS1_PORT_8B;
out port tx_readyout = on USB_TILE : XS1_PORT_1K;
in port tx_readyin = on USB_TILE : XS1_PORT_1H;
in port rx_rdy = on USB_TILE : XS1_PORT_1I;
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Post by mon2 »

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Post by jsaksris »

Thank you for taking your time.

I understand the problem.. but I don't know how to identify which core does it runs on.
I know is that XUD_manager run on tile[0].. and I've tried to use interface to access those values.

Is there a way to pass through the value, some other indicator would work as well.
What would be the best practice: global variable, passing pointer, make interface accessible to XUD_manager ?

//cause USB is in Tile0 can't acces from Tile1
//time for interface
interface LEDs_interface{
void turn_on(int i);

//function read vbus with access to interface, then inform led_matrix
//USB problems detection
void task1(client interface LEDs_interface c)
//this have the return of the LED matrix
//flag2_port :> reset;
//XUD_BusSpeed_t buff ;

if((g_curStreamAlt_In || g_curStreamAlt_Out || g_currentConfig)== 0)
//buff = g_curUsbSpeed;
//if (buff == XUD_SPEED_HS)
//else if(buff == XUD_SPEED_FS)


void task2(server interface LEDs_interface c)
p_leds_row <: 0x0; // 0000 row all on
p_leds_col <: 0x0; // all cols off
p_leds_col <: 0x3;
p_leds_col <: 0x0;
//detect enumeration finished
case c.turn_on(int i):
//select column by function
p_leds_col <: i;
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Post by mon2 »

Try using the Task Viewer tool:

Application Note: AN00200 Getting Started with the Task Viewer in xTIMEcomposer Studio ... dio-readme

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Post by jsaksris »

I'm currently working with the USB audio 2.0 reference software and adapting the software to fit our need.

I'm adding my code to main.xc under module_usb_audio
I feel like I'm doing something wrong here in term of organization since we have the app_usb_aud_xk_216_mc
I feel like the module should not be touched... is this the case or I'm just paranoid?

I've read the doc, but as the main.xc is under module_usb_audio so the task is not showing.
And on the app_usb_aud_xk_216_mc there is no main

[there's user_main.h under app_usb_aud_xk_216_mc but not user_main.xc. should I create user_main.xc and work in there?]