Hi. Not an audio developer and really surprised that no one from factory or another developer with the same kit has not chimed in but...
a) does your compiled firmware function to offer you a working USB function? Do you see the USB widget appear under Device Manager? If not, review your source code as something is broken.
b) if yes to the above, have you enabled the DFU support?
From the following document:
https://www.xmos.com/developer/download ... 284%29.pdf
Code: Select all
Section 2.1 - there is a define inside the customdefines.h that must be applied with a value of 1 to enable the DFU.
Has this been done?
Also review section 3 of the same document. Eventually Thesycon will want to win you over with their s/w as a paid business model so they must be able to offer quick pre-sales support. If not, wrong company to work with for your device driver / IP licensing. From our experience, if there is little or no support before the sale then often there is zero support after they have your monies.
Please post your results.