Solving snsrNew() Error by renewing keyword license in AVS Client on RPi

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Solving snsrNew() Error by renewing keyword license in AVS Client on RPi

Post by Thomas »

The Alexa Client on RPi uses a keyword model from Sensory which has a limited time license.

When that license expires this causes Errors:
ERROR: snsrNew(): License expired
Here is a solution to fix the error by renewing the license and recompiling:

cd /home/pi/sdk-folder/third-party/alexa-rpi
git reset --hard
git pull

cd /home/pi/vocalfusion-avs-setup/
./ config.json <xmos tag>

Note: <xmos tag> is the latest tag of the repo in sdk-folder/avs-device-sdk.
To get the latest tag execute the following command in that directory:
git tag | sort -V | tail -1