I am a newbie with Xmos so please excuse my noob question. I am trying to build an example project "AN00121_udp_demo" using xCORE-200 Explorer Kit. The default target device is sliceKIT Core Board and I change it to xCORE-200 Explorer Kit. After press "Build Project", I get this weird error saying xtcp related functions are unknown and probably missing prototype. But in the Makefile editor module "lib_tcp" is already ticked and xtcp.h is already included.
What did i do wrong here and do I need to modify something in makefile?
Please someone help.
Here is error output from console:
Code: Select all
12:49:12 **** Incremental Build of configuration Default for project AN00121_udp_demo ****
xmake CONFIG=Default all
Checking build modules
Using build modules: lib_xtcp(6.0.0) lib_ethernet(3.4.0) lib_otpinfo(2.0.1) lib_gpio(1.1.0) lib_locks(2.0.3) lib_logging(2.1.0) lib_xassert(3.0.0)
Analyzing main.xc
../src/main.xc:91:3: error: unknown function identifier `xtcp_listen' (possibly missing prototype?)
xtcp_listen(c_xtcp, INCOMING_PORT, XTCP_PROTOCOL_UDP);
../src/main.xc:98:10: error: `xtcp_event' is not a transaction or select handler function (implied by `:')
case xtcp_event(c_xtcp, conn):
../src/main.xc:105:11: error: unknown function identifier `xtcp_connect' (possibly missing prototype?)
../src/main.xc:114:13: error: unknown function identifier `xtcp_close' (possibly missing prototype?)
xtcp_close(c_xtcp, responding_connection);
../src/main.xc:155:26: error: unknown function identifier `xtcp_recv_count' (possibly missing prototype?)
response_len = xtcp_recv_count(c_xtcp, rx_buffer, RX_BUFFER_SIZE);
../src/main.xc:164:13: error: unknown function identifier `xtcp_init_send' (possibly missing prototype?)
xtcp_init_send(c_xtcp, conn);
../src/main.xc:173:12: error: use of undeclared identifer `XTCP_REQUEST_DATA'
../src/main.xc:179:11: error: unknown function identifier `xtcp_send' (possibly missing prototype?)
xtcp_send(c_xtcp, broadcast_buffer, broadcast_len);
../src/main.xc:187:9: error: unknown function identifier `xtcp_complete_send' (possibly missing prototype?)
../src/main.xc:211:12: error: use of undeclared identifer `XTCP_ALREADY_HANDLED'
../src/main.xc:251:17: error: unknown function identifier `xtcp' (possibly missing prototype?)
on tile[1]: xtcp(c_xtcp, 1, i_mii,
xmake[1]: *** [.build/src/main.xc.pca.xml.decouple] Error 1
xmake: *** [analyze] Error 2
12:49:27 Build Finished (took 15s.756ms)