Does the XCore 200 multi channel audio support spdif and ethernet simultaneously? Topic is solved

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Does the XCore 200 multi channel audio support spdif and ethernet simultaneously?

Post by ashiqkodawath »

Does the XCore 200 multi channel audio support spdif and ethernet simultaneously?
I was looking to integrate the spdif sample code in to the i2s gigabit audio code for taking the spdif input also, when started the integration i got a build error that the XS1_PORT_1O is already occupied by the ethernet Rx. Since SPDIF Rx port and RGMII port are residing in the same tile is there any connection between these two.??

also it will be very helpful if i get any information about the mapping of these XS1_PORT names to the actual pins in the XE-216 micro controller..

Thanks and Regard
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Post by fabra »

You can make it work when you run ethernet with 100Mbit instead of 1GBit.