As far as I know, when using the mii lite version, I can't get the timestamp value of the transmitted packet.
I found these annotations.
Code: Select all
// Get a pointer to the next packet
ldw r9, sp[out_channel]
outct res[r9], 1 // Request the next packet
testct r5, res[r9]
bt r5, state_done
in r7, res[r9] // Read the pointer to the packet
ldw r5, cp[all_fives]
// Obtain the timestamp
ldw r8, sp[the_timer]
in r8, res[r8]
// Transmitting the preamble
out res[r2], r5
ldw r5, cp[Dall_fives]
out res[r2], r5
out res[r9], r8
ldw r9, cp[initial_crc]
If yes, is there any way to get this value returned?