XTC Tools 15.0.6, Development Software and XK-USB-MIC-UF216

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XTC Tools 15.0.6, Development Software and XK-USB-MIC-UF216

Post by fireblade »

Are there updated versions of the usb 2.0 audio software updated for XTC Tools 15.0.6 anywhere?

specificaly the software for the XK-USB-MIC-UF216

if not what exactly has to be changed to update the current (6.15.2 tools 14.1.2) to use with XTC Tools 15.0.6 and eclipse
XCore Addict
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Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:25 pm

Post by RitchRock »

You will probably need to stick with the older tools. I emailed XMOS support to find out if they will be updating libs and reference code and this is the reply I got:
thank your for you support request.

I am not aware of any plans to migrate the drivers any time soon. We can only suggest to use the toolchain which fits your purpose.

Kind regards

XMOS Support