I am trying to flash a VocalFusion Stereo binary file (
https://www.xmos.ai/file/vocalfusion-st ... -binaries/) on my XVF3000 chip with an xTAG3 adapter, however, when I use the xflash command followed by the path of the file I want to flash, I get the following error message:
Code: Select all
target-xn-v0-89f7a096:125 Error: XN11052 Invalid or missing PageSize for device "bootFlash0". Information: Device elements with attribute Class="SQIFlash" now also require PageSize, SectorSize & NumPages attributes to be set. Values for these are likely to be found in the datasheet for the chosen flash.
After some research I found that I have to edit the values of PageSize, SectorSize and NumPages on the .xn file for the XVF3000, usually located in the "targets" folder of XMOS Tools. However, there is no folder dedicated to the XVF3000. Do I have to create a specific folder for the XVF3000? Or does the XVF3000's .xn file have a less obvious name/path?
Also, where can I find the values for PageSize, SectorSize and NumPages? The error log suggested me to look on the device's datasheet, however there is not one single reference on the datasheet about any of these 3 variables.
Any kind of help would be much appreciated.