Code: Select all
export PATH=$XMOS_TOOL_PATH/bin:$XMOS_TOOL_PATH/xtimecomposer_bin:$XMOS_TOOL_PATH/arm_toolchain/bin:$PATH
Unfortunately, you can't check which compiler version is used on compile. But you can test it indirectly, if you compile an old 14.3.3 project with an old version of the *.xn file. The new compiler stops with an error.
When I have tried to run my program on the hardware, I got an error message. I can't remember it exactly, but it was something with "force" and "firmware". After I have reconnected the xtag to the computer, I was able to run my program on the hardware.
Important: XMOS does not recommend to run XTC15 with the xTimeComposer. Doing it anyway, is on you own risk.