Configuring for development and other horrors

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Configuring for development and other horrors

Post by cover4390 »

I bought the XCORE.AI evaluation kit (XK-EVK-XU316), and I'm trying to set up everything needed to start programming using USB and I2S.

First of all, the documentation from XMOS is a mess; they advertise obsolete (not in production) development boards on their webpage and the newest documentation I could find for usb audio was developed for products not for sale. It's true horror for a beginner to this platform. However, there seems to be lovely people here, and I've always gotten quick responses from the company, so that's a huge plus.

I faced difficulties when installing XTC because of a bug that caused errors if the computer wasn't configured for english during installation. Someone from support helped guide me in the right direction, which is awesome! I understood that I needed the xcore sdk for audio development (usb and I2S), and cloned the repo from github. This is were I bumped into lots of trouble. So, I have tried installing the SDK on both linux and windows, neither with success. I'm trying on windows again now using instructions here Installation guide. They seem straight forward. When I run cmake I get the following error:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:12 (project):

'nmake' '-?'

failed with:

Systemet finner ikke angitt fil

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

Systemet finner ikke angitt fil is norwegian and means "The system can't find the given file".

What's going on here?

I believe this is the line it's complaining about: project(xcore_sdk)
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Post by fabriceo »

if you want to use the sw_usb_audio_app as it is in its old 6.15.2 version (...), you'd better use

Code: Select all

xmake CONFIG=yourconfig All
instead of the cmake solution,
or just wait the upcoming release of lib_xua and its associated documentation (preliminary version for the MC-AUDIO board here)
(the new sdk with freertos, RTOS and tiniusb for an stereo device is a good candidate for the new xtc 15 with cmake but unfortunately I cannot guide you here)
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Post by cover4390 »

I am referring to the new xcore sdk.
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Post by AndyCap »

What exactly are you trying to build?
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Post by cover4390 »

I have managed to get things working without using the SDK. It was a better solution to just download the individual libraries from GitHub (lib_xud and lib_i2s) and using xmake.
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Post by Ross »

If you are tying to run USB Audio on the XK-EVK-XU316 board, the latest USB Audio release (7.2.0) has a working example.

As as side note, we are currently in the process of consolidating build methodologies between projects.
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