I thought I should test what is "the best" of these two, where to do the indexing of the array, on the outer level or the inner:
Code: Select all
typedef struct {
unsigned array[TEST_ARRAY_IN_STRUCT_LEN];
} array_type_t;
typedef struct {
array_type_t array_type;
unsigned array[TEST_ARRAY_IN_STRUCT_LEN];
} arrays_in_struct_t;
Like when several test functions were called one way, like two times of each function. I have four test functions.
But then I learned that if I made the call sequence one time each function, the time usage seemed to increase for each call.
I don't know if this has to do with what I am testing, or the call sequence or some other strange side effect. The full code is attached.
xCore-200 board. xTIMEcomposer 14.4.1 xC code.
If I run this code together with the full code of a project proper, I get the same kind of strange timing. But they don't need to have the same strange timing for the same type of run.
Anybody recognise this?